
I wish I could star you more than once for the Outsiders reference there.

“Get right back on the horse” is old school advice.

So if there is a hurricane and it destroys a jewelry store and I just go through the rubble and get a bunch of stuff, it’s OK because it’s a gift from Mother Nature. Duly noted.

I read the entire Observer article in Brett Easton Ellis’ voice. It fit the tone very well.

I feel like this kid should get an A and the superintendent should go to jail for being so gullible.

I love Anderson so much. The only thing that would have been better is if Anderson had burst out into his trademark giggles at Trump’s laughable “defense”.

yeah i mean who among us doesnt remember the french revolution

Yeah, things will explode but not in the ways you want them to.

This is such a wildly privileged opinion. Real people will get hurt under Trump. SCOTUS will be changed. Laws will be passed. The military will be deployed, affecting people around the globe. I get that you want a different political system but this is the one we live in. Don’t throw others under the bus in your quest

Lately I have been hearing the mantra that identity politics are horrible. Not coincidentally, the mantra is coming from white men, and by identity politics, they mean pointing out the importance of diversity to the determent of white male exclusivity.

I went to the doctor and told him “my penis is burning.” The doctor replied “that means someone is talking about it.”

Honestly, this is why the concept of an ally is so important. No, not the kind who do it to get a back pat. Not the kind speaking OVER the minority they supposedly stand with.

I am in complete agreement with you. I will be thrilled if Trump destroys the GOP, but until that happens I’m going to be petrified that he’s actually going to win. It’s a low-probability outcome, but one with tremendously negative potential consequences.

I have Black friends who have said that their kids are literally afraid of being deported (despite the fact that they and their parents are natural born citizens), and I’ve read reports that Muslim-American children have felt the same way. There have been incidents of anti-immigrant violence (one in Boston, for

Graham: “The key to pool is the next shot, not the shot you’re about to make”

Holy hell. This GOP implosion is just fascinating. I'd be amused if I didn't think they were gonna fuck up a bunch of shit in their panicked death throes.

This was unbelievable. The segment prior to Graham, showing how Trump is exactly the candidate the GOP has been begging for, was priceless.