
Agreed. In this particular case Milford is a reasonably affluent community with well funded school system.

They project all of their “I can’t think about the negative qualities I have because it hurts my fragile ego” attributes on us, don’t they?

At best my experience has led to some epic mansplaining or shaming (“This is why you’re single - you don’t give good guys like me a chance!”) and at worst I’ve been made to feel unsafe. I’m lucky that no one has ever gotten violent but it’s also pretty fucked up that I think I’m lucky that I haven’t been harmed for

And the motherfucker better feel every damn minute of it. I can’t even begin to describe my rage at a 16 year old losing the rest of their life over a prom.

And the worst part about having to use that excuse is that the guy is only going to stop flirting/hitting on you out of respect to your imagined beau and not out of respect to your wishes to be left the fuck alone...

And yet, somehow, even dogs can fucking learn to understand it.

Am I the only one that ChyRo made me think of Chi Rho, i.e.

Why is this a thing? I’m just axing.

A random, rich, Reality, raging alcoholic.

?? Day in the life of a random rich alcoholic? What did I just watch randilyn?

I purposely held off clicking on this article for over an hour just because I wanted there to be a million comments like this before I read it.

Oh man, if that’s the case, sign me up for a Martha shopping expedition.

Oh, man! This reminds me of when I was about 12 and obsessed with Oregon Trail, LHOTP, and playing “settlers,” and my friends and I found like an entire collection of McClintock Gunne Sax dresses someone had donated at Goodwill. Needless to say we bought them all, and took our dress-up game to the next level. God, if

Barack: It’s going to be SO great, honey. I’ll have plenty of time to go to ALL your games and school events, and maybe I can even drop by for lunch or chaperon a few dances!

White House Odd Couple starring Donald Trump and Barack Obama! Thinking of it is amazing.

Why do they have to leave? I just ...

I'd invite them over for dinner! They've just gotta make sure the dog doesn't steal their food.

Quick Q:

It’s like someone’s grandmother with very thick glasses discovered the font folder on a Windows 95 desktop.

I love everything about that. I love the centered, flowery font and the heavy, shiny paper it’s printed on. I want to frame it and hang it in my bathroom.