
Nina always knew what time it was. I still can't get over how nerdy her Christian name was. Eunice, lolz.

Quick, check that Ashley Madison leak.

Countdown to his Grindr profile being discovered in 3, 2...

I think you worded it perfectly.

That totally looks like what they used to break my water during both deliveries with the Jr.TARDISes. :/

I was also thinking this. A quick snapshot of the vanity/counter area is all I need, plzthx.

She was the only reason that I gave Glee a chance.

Here’s the thing: they don’t CARE if you die. In their minds, you deserve it for doing such an awful thing. They would smile down smugly at your body and picture you roasting in hell with the other sinners, and discuss carting your corpse around to schools so they could use it to scare young girls about what happens

It’s annoying. Honest to god, there are days when I can’t wait for Millenials’ kids to grow up and start blaming them for everything.

Bonus old person gif:

Sports broadcasting is extremely sexist. Extremely. there is no “even” in regards to broadcasting

It’s not that they didn’t believe her. ESPN/ABC/Disneeeeeee wanted the revenue this would generate. Rat Bastards. They wanted extra programming they knew would get play and ratings. Play and ratings not covered by any sports commitment = mo’ money, mo’money, mo’money for the network.

No, thats normal.

No, not “now.” Having spent time at ESPN’s headquarters in Bristol myself, I assure you this is nothing new, whatsoever. ESPN is essentially a professional fraternity for jocks with a history of sexual harassment second only to the military.

i have

I love your parents and your grandparents.. This is a picture of MY Grandpa (the thick dude in the hat I still own), when campaigning was still door to door and simple. He was mayor of our village for 16 years. I don’t even care if I just doxxed myself.

Thank you and that’s so incredibly true, your comparisons between Trump and the Obamas, how Trump is peak false confidence.

It’s funny how as your life progresses, it colors how you think about these things. I have always been ambivalent about Garner. Liked her in some stuff, find her generally overrated as an actress, but she seemed to love her family and want from life what most of us want.

Meanwhile, Garner is managing to maintain a lucrative career with endorsements, currently for Capital One and Neutrogena. According to the Nielsen ratings, she is, in fact, the No. 1 female spokesperson—another testament, perhaps, to her authentic and genuine quality, an essential approachability that has not been