
Zac Efron....

Well, to be fair, so was the guy who they’re all (supposed to be) trying to be like...

Two Corinthians One Trump is the next viral video.

Two Corinthians, amirite? Me, personally I own twelve Corinthians. Beautiful. Got them in a trip. Love them.

I think when you acknowledge that teens don’t have their whole brains yet, and will make all decisions based on this fraction of a brain, understanding all of their dumbass shit gets a whole lot easier and less stressful.


This is the only May-December romance that doesn’t make me barf.

Also, now there can be no Galaxy Quest sequel and I are double sad :(

I’m so sorry. My dad died at 55 from cancer, I was 19 at the time. I wish I had something positive to tell you, but honestly, it sucks and it’s unbelievably hard.

That just made me ugly cry. My new office mate now thinks I’m unhinged.

Or, more specifically, she “picked it up” after it “hit Blake in the head and fell on the floor.”

He’ll be able to fix it in post. By the re-release, surely.

It’s a consolation to one’s heart, but as a widow who benefited from Servicemen’s Group Life Insurance (I was the servicemember, but we can take out policies on our spouses), it’s a very big thing that she is considered a spouse. Otherwise there would have to be convoluted means of getting the insurance money where it

As the.son of a Marine Corp Colonel who fought alongside brave gay men and women in four wars, and whose only requirement was that they showed bravery in the face of combat, I say God bless you mam. You are a shining light and may your family and friends feel peace and pride at your service.

I always thought I should have been a biology teacher.

On second thought, I might enjoy ripping out Trump’s hair at the root.

When male ceratioids go looking for a mate, they affix themselves to a female by biting, and then releasing an enzyme which dissolves both the skin of the female and of their own mouths, fusing the pair together to the point that they share blood vessels.

What I’m saying is that this man might actually be a male