
The dad is hysterical. I liked that they weren’t poking fun at Native Americans - quite the opposite. They were in on the joke and the parents were shown to be caring, hardworking, smart people. Jacqueline was the misguided, rude character.

Regardless of the rest of the whole thing, Jackie’s father was awesome.

This may be me nerd-ing into the film a bit too much, but this feeling he was able to re-create is “Home”. JJ and the performances took us home. The prequels felt foreign, stoic, unwieldy, and were definitely not home. Also, that concept of establishing or finding “home” was articulated repeatedly in the movie: “Bring

I FaceTimed with my 5 year old nephew after he saw the movie, and he said “I want to have the Force and fight like Rey!!” Seeing him idolize a female character in a sci-fi action movie literally melted my heart into 100 tiny feminist pieces.

So, here’s what your more nuanced explanation tells me:
A person whose job requires him to analyze pop culture did not do any research before passing judgment on a film/actress he knew nothing about. Said reaction was sexist and assholish. After realizing he was wrong, his back-handed apology only amplified his

He looks like he’s MADE of cigarettes and old spice.

It’s like Christopher Walken’s heavier, not-as-lucky brother who watches a lot of TV.

Yeah, can we attack his WRITING, as well? Because he sucks at his job, too.

“youngish”? I’m an old and he looks old to me. Yikes.

And he calls himself

Not even I support you right now, Martin.

I’m sure this has been pointed out before, but Turing Pharmaceuticals is an extremely ironic name for a company that acts without basic humanity.

I’m reading this in my head in an exasperated tone.

Agree completely. It’s nice to see integrity and refusal on the part of the employees to be complacent or complicit, but it’s also personally and professionally expensive as hell on the part of the employees to do so. These folks are now without a paycheck, and that takes a serious amount of integrity to do without in

I hope they find places to land soon.

right now the thing to do is to think about the excellent employees of Fitzgibbon. if they are your friends, reach out to them. if they are someone you can hire, do so. they rock, and this shit sandwich right before the holidays is the worst.

The staff, I think, has shown exactly the opposite. They became aware of behavior that was inapposite to the ideals and goals of the firm and killed it. The conservative response would have been to have him resign to “spend more time with his family” and bury the allegations as deeply as possible.

Imagine the movies he’d be making if he’d ever bothered to grow the fuck up tho.

I keep thinking “What? I thought David Foster Wallace died? Oh, wait, there’s no “ Wallace”. Who are these people?” Every. Time.

This! These “believers” should be the strongest, bravest people right? The Lord is supposed to be with them, but they are the most fearful.