
Texas you are now on the clock. Let's see what you got.

Not all poo.

uh-uh don't ever underestimate the random corn field. You're on your way to get coffee and BOOM corn as far as you can see! Wtf right?

I love my weird antisocial little cat SO MUCH but I was totally giving her the stink eye while reading this comment.

I've spent the last few days sick at home. This is the face that's been watching me during the day, never leaving my side.

I was really, really sick and the awful children in this house felt they were best serving me by ignoring me completely and letting nature take its course (Not quite, but it did feel that way.) The dog would come and stare at me in sympathy so I would talk to her. Once I told her that I really, really needed a drink.

Yeah "why aren't you wearing any clothes?" "put your pants on before you go outside" and "that's a private activity for in your room" would rank pretty high in my house.

How about...


While this is horrible, it also makes me very sad. Probably because it doesn't seem like anyone is actually listening to him, so I can think about why he's like that without forgetting about people he's hurting. This really screams some sort of mental issue. Having grown up in that kind of mindset, I know how easy it

Well, at least he won't have to makes tons of bread and fish appear out of nowhere.

Eh, he was asking for it, getting all rapey and shit.

Angry Feminist Smoothie would be a great band name.

"Saxton considers himself a "sign from God,""

John the Baptist cried out in the wilderness and people went out to listen to him. This guy cried out in the middle of the town square and everyone left. I don't know about you, but I'd say that's a clear hint from God.

The Imp With the Sparse

As someone who generally thinks that divorce is the best thing that can happen to many marriages, I'm loath to say I'm sad for Bishop Robinson and Mr. Andrew. That said, I went to church with them for a while in NH, and understand that Mark Andrew is a very private, low-key dude who had a difficult time with the media

I have an aunt named Gay, and she is super butch. She is an artist, and a hella excellent human being. She made this painting of an emu called "You wanna piece of me?"