
OMG thank you ... stunning!

And TS’s eyes are flashing. Flashing green eyes, Bobby! Genius!

Larry needs a Twitter account. (Well, he has a few already, but he needs to hire me to run his official account).

Merits or demerits of the writing aside, maybe they should have asked any female journalist, woman or person of color (or woman of color!) for their thoughts about the current climate at any time in the last, oh, I don’t know, YEAR. and then listened to what they had to say about the treatment they receive on a

Wish I lived near you instead of the (I’m assuming) guy in the next neighborhood over who just set off three random fireworks at 12:31 am. So many questions: why now? And what do you accomplish with three fireworks?

I'm jlkopfLNP...

That was a party; THAT was a tribute.

So when this happens to, like, two dozen people who’ve gone before you, WHY DO YOU STEP ON THE COALS??

“He’s going to Make it… ‘I wonder how long it has been since someone told him he was special.’”

That’s probably a Jesus-dying-for-our-sins-related Latin tattoo.

I’d think the press has tried getting interviews, but the heroes weren’t giving interviews when it first happened and I guess they haven’t changed their minds: http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_57…

Accounts I can find vary — he was either expelled, or withdrew voluntarily before he could be expelled, and is banned from (that) campus.

So, I’m supposed to trust these people with secret codes and classified information??

ooo me, too. I’m wearing jeans today, matter of fact, but they’re pale yellow: FANCY jeans. Plus long black top and suede sneakers = done.

I would like her to adopt me and show me her magic ways. I am 50.

OK, designers do capsule collections for Target... WHY NOT MICHELLE OBAMA?? She has many talents; I’m sure this would take her a couple days, tops.

And you didn’t even picture the worst part: The SHOES:

Congrats, guys... and Harris, can we talk you into running again for office in Pennsylvania? Lord knows we could use you!

Yes! In the course of work I have had to contact more than one professor — who still are teaching and presumably have students who need to contact them — who have casually told me they didn’t return calls or emails because they “have no idea how the new phone messaging system works” and that, while they have an email