‘A perfectly reasonable product next to a dangerous and heinous one,” thinks both political parties.
‘A perfectly reasonable product next to a dangerous and heinous one,” thinks both political parties.
So much yes to this. Their opposition to Planned Parenthood, family planning education, social programs, etc. really is a thin veneer for their utter contempt toward the impoverished. I truly believe if some thought they could get away with treating poor (especially non-white poor) like livestock, they would.
I do the same! I would also add they want to keep poor people fearful of each other, and too busy scrambling to make money to gain independence over the capitalist system that feeds and clothes them in processed junk. :(
That reminds me of a fun anecdote I heard a while back:
and disengaged completely. If the moderate people with critical thinking skills got engaged in the political process, shit would be WAYYYYYY different and we would *actually* have progressive and conservative ideals being bandied about, not just “scary conservative” and “moderately conservative”.
Well. I mean. Duh.Who votes for them? The very rich and the poor and ignorant. They don’t want there to be more of the very rich, so they have to make more poor and ignorant.
While blaming their neighbor for being broke, and never noticing (nor even knowing enough to notice) that they’re being fleeced and exploited by corporations.
Well, yes. And their worst nightmare would be having poor white people recognize that the “poor” part is actually more important than the “white” part and start voting that way. Hence the constant dog-whistle racism (and more and more mainstream-audible racism).
I have been screaming this sentiment to everyone who will listen. The GOP wants Americans dumb, broke and stockpiling guns.
I find this so fascinating because I feel like everyone has a food they just cannot stop eating. Be it pasta, bread, potato chips, fries, candy, what have you.
What about baby cats?
Because it's hilarious?
Because it’s awesome.
I’ve told guys I’ve seen that they suck at kissing. In a nice but completely necessary way. And then showed them what I liked and, really, what most people would probably enjoy, too.
“No issue is more deserving of our undivided attention than protecting the dignity of human life,”