Precisely! This rule sounds like it was thought up by an old man who’s never used a computer. And I’m sure it was!
Precisely! This rule sounds like it was thought up by an old man who’s never used a computer. And I’m sure it was!
- The Dept. of Homeland Security under Secretary John Kelly is considering forcing visitors to the U.S. to hand over their social media passwords. [NBC News]
I live in his district and he seems to spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about what people do in the privacy of their homes and with their bodies. He is extremely homophobic, virulently anti-choice and very deeply religious (Catholic). He’s also bothered by the fact that transgender people exist.
I would be OK with this. Aaron Taylor-Johnson could be his scene partner.
I stopped following him on Instagram - too many pro-gun images for my taste. Especially the one soon after the Orlando shootings.
She and Bill were regulars at Foundry United Methodist Church just up 16th Street from the White House the whole time he was in office. I’d say that just adds more evidence to the fact that we actually do know quite a bit about her religious habits. Not that it matters, as other posters have pointed out.
According to the little wrap-up clip that plays after the credits on the Starz app, she actually wrote the script for this episode.
Agreed. I’m 45 now and more liberal than ever.
Thank goodness we have him to stand up to the GOP in Virginia. His veto power has stopped many terrible laws from being enacted.
The moniker “Megyn Smelly” is liked over 7,000 times.
He was OK, yes - but in general he’s got a very easygoing personality. Like humans they are all different with different personalities, so I can’t say that everyone’s experience would be the same as mine.
I would echo your comment - a year ago in December I had to face the fact that my 20-year old baby girl had had enough and was ready to go. I found a service that came to our home to do it, and it was a very gentle and loving experience. The vet could not have been more caring, and it meant so much to say goodbye in a…
You’re on the right track. It really helped me to learn that it’s not so much about being shy or anxious as it is about where you get your energy from, and some of us recharge during our quiet alone times and other people derive energy from others.
I recall Tree Trunks coming close to breaking up with Mr. Pig, in from “Escape from the Citadel,” in season 6, but she changes her mind: