
It helps if you watch it while stoned. Some of the episodes can be bizarrely trippy.

+1 for the Miranda reference and a glimpse of Luke Pasqualino

Yeah, this thing. It was all over once he figured out where the red dot was coming from (just like your cat and the laser pointer). He knocked it over and walked away, triumphant. It never fooled him again so I gave it away.

“It proves that Americans are rejecting abortions in favor of life in unprecedented numbers.”

The ringleader is unrepentant:

I am loving this ombre effect.

When I am at home alone and making pizza what I like to do is break it into frozen chunks, put it into a bowl and then microwave it until it is edible.

He must have gone in there with a gas mask on. I walked past the Georgetown store over the weekend and the stench pouring forth from the open doors was overwhelming. You could actually taste the cologne, it was that strong. I can’t imagine how bad it was inside.


Can I also just add that privatizing the FAA sounds like a monumentally stupid idea?

I’m not convinced there’s a whole lot going on up here. Plus I find him incredibly bland and oddly unsexual, despite his physical qualities.


Not because we're a model couple but because we communicate

I’m surprised Chicago’s Midway isn’t on here. They’re a Southwest hub and whatever terminal SW uses is a shithole. Not enough bathrooms and the ones that are there are small and old, so just imagine when Chicago weather causes flight delays and there are too many people in the terminal. It’s not pretty. And don’t get

Terminal B (which is where you’ll find jetBlue, Southwest, Virgin and some international airlines) is quite nice. Open, airy and sunny. Where Dulles really stumbles is Terminal A (all those tiny little United regional jets fly out of there and it’s ALWAYS packed) and Terminal C (also United). They’re just awful.

Barneys can suck it. Their salespeople think they walk on water.

watch Zayn sleep: he's wearing Liam's Hulk pyjama

I assume this would include Mr. Porter, the men's version of Net-a-Porter? If so, ugh! I sincerely hope Amazon would let them keep their operations separate and not try to inflict their own corporate ethos on the Porters. I knew someone who once worked for My Habit, one of Amazon's online home/fashion outlets, and it