
I flew them a few months ago and I never will again. I frickin' hate that no reserved seats policy which they say provides their passengers the "freedom" to pick their own spot cuz Obummer makes the other airlines assign seats, or something like that. They serve America's heartland and they know their target market

Are there ever any photos of him with his mouth closed? Seems like he's a habitual mouth breather to me.

Funny thing is - if my googling is correct - he's 5'11" so not so short after all. Just compared to his brothers who tower over him.

And the "crusading barbarians" were officially sanctioned by the Pope himself - it's not like they were some random dudes running around the Middle East looking for opportunities to plunder and pillage.

They don't want that, because this might happen:

The link to the Charlie Hunnam slideshow is showing me Johnny Depp and Amber Heard and they are NOT an acceptable substitute! Please fix and I'll be as happy as this gal!!

They would make such a cute couple. Just look at them with that baby! *heart melts*

True, that can definitely happen. There's no excuse for not practicing safe sex.

That's not been my experience. In fact, quite the opposite. But everyone is different.

My old lady cat lived to be 20 (RIP, Princess!) and I had to constantly watch out for grocery bags, because she could not resist chewing on them. She was very sneaky about it and super fast, they were like a drug to her. She'd hack up little bits of plastic now and then so I had to be very careful to make sure she

There should be a comma here. "Good luck, my King." Some of that $40 million ad budget could have gone to an editor.

She's also Jake Jr. on Adventure Time.

"American Dad" covered it pretty well, in case anyone would like a refresher.


What is this bump back here? If it's a tumor it sure would explain a lot.

It's also an old trick for reviving coffee that's gone stale. A tiny pinch of salt revives it somehow, especially if you're reheating it in the microwave.

Sorry for the double post, Kinja wasn't cooperating yesterday :/

If you mean this fella, I agree 100%:

If you mean this fella, I agree 100%:

I giggled at that too. heehee "taint"