
You and me both.

That is the most beautiful GIF ever!

I think this is the guy at the top of the article:

+1 for the Evita reference.

This article is especially timely for me; I made the tough decision to put down my 20-year old cat just a week ago. I have no doubt it was the right time, based on a number of factors. She lived a long, healthy life up until the last few weeks and while I will miss her terribly, I know that it was for the best. She

If you listen closely to Ethel in the recent episode, she says she was the most famous thing to come out of Baltimore since Wallis Simpson - or something like that. I grew up in Maryland and even I find her accent difficult to decipher.

Also Gene seems like he might be gay and the family is totally cool with that.

I thought the same thing when I saw that pic. Damn.

Rock on!

Where's the beef?

Fellow tuxie fan here, too. Mr. Mao is most definitely the king of the castle and is quite the chubby little charmer.

I almost spit coffee all over my monitor when I read your comment. "Abrasive Clit" will be the name of my new punk rock band.

She needs more Lemon Pledge.

There oughta be a #SupportSiriusXM hashtag to counter the cancel/StandWithAnt hashtags.

How much for Channing Tatum? Asking for a friend...

Suzanne literally cannot wait for this.

Not to be all persnickety and what not, but that's Disney World in the pic.

Mr. Mao agrees (the curled up paws, I just can't...so cute...)

Isn't this why there is a guard at the public restrooms in Chelsea Market, the ones that are individual locked rooms? That's what a friend of mine told me.