
Dear DHS: Talk to the parents of any random high school student....You know, the people who tell their kids that they want to monitor their social media accounts. The kids invent fake ones and tell their parents those are the real ones, then use the real, real ones to communicate with their friends.

“To me, their opinion is valuable precisely because they don’t have any credentials attached.”

I would really like to have sex with Justin Theroux. That is all.

This is the one thing that bugs me about Black Sails. Goddamn everyone on that grimy pirate island is hot as fuck.

Not only that, but I don’t even particularly want dolts to be in my general vicinity when I’m having a beer. Don’t need to be surrounded by PhDs, but loud, obnoxious, pushy, gropey, bullshitting dolts tend to bring down whatever room they’re in. 

Could I have a filter to block the inevitable “keep your politics out of my Kinja” whiners? I only see them on the male-oriented sites. #fragilemanhood

Thanks to the number of times you wrote “popular,” I now have Kristin Chenoweth stuck in my head for the rest of the day.  

It’s not partisan, you just don’t like it.

source? and would you care to elaborate on the ratio of trump supporters pepper sprayed by liberals (1 person in 1 place) to the incidents of swastikas on mosques, liberal protesters arrested, pepper sprayed or just plain run over by conservatives & police (well into the hundreds at this point)

but no, you go ahead and

Well that is easy just dont click on it. There isnt a gun to your head forcing you to read and then bitch about it is there?

If it means that long term those states vote blue, that women have access to healthcare, that people can get HIV treatment, that people who have had cancer are not cosigned to poverty if they have cancer again without healthcare, that we strengthen financial regulations so that the elderly can’t be preyed upon, so

Maybe if the people in those states that voting overwhemingly for trump see their neighbors affected without relief they will learn empathy. They have proven over the last 40 or 50 years that they are incapable of it. And I think its because they have never been denied the support they want to deny of others. The

Let them wallow in it, this is his America now. They should support the new regime by accepting their new lot in life as vagabonds.

I disagree with you. They are the party of “personal responsibility.” And now they should live it. This was like when the GOP who wanted to deny funding for SuperStorm Sandy relief wanted flood relief last year. Tough shit. Time for some bootstraps. Oh you were poor and you just didn’t have the money to make better

Yep! If you’re fine letting women and brown people and the poor and the disabled get fucked over then I don’t give two shits if your home gets swept up by the wicked witch of the west. And frankly, if you don’t want to pay for my birth control, then I don’t want to pay for those takers who should have purchased their

That’s not going to make Twitler happy.

Stop trying to recreate something.

Not sure how I feel about this.

Trump has actually displayed authoritarian tendencies - attempting to manipulate the press, outright lies, a complete lack of respect for democratic norms. It is, as of right now, hyperbolic to say we will be Nazi Germany. It is not hyperbole without basis, and it is not hyperbole without purpose. Donald Trump

LOL at the false equivalence. The Right wingers said that as a knee jerk reaction. We say it based on evidence.