Here are the facts, dick hole. In a majority of the country, a person can be fired just for being gay, or denied housing, etc., with no repercussions. I'm sure it happens more often than we would like to believe.
Here are the facts, dick hole. In a majority of the country, a person can be fired just for being gay, or denied housing, etc., with no repercussions. I'm sure it happens more often than we would like to believe.
I'm thinking of archiving screenshots of Facebook comments so I can pull them out when somebody pisses me off in the future. I can remind them how wrong they were on this issue and then maybe win almost every family argument for decades.
I don't know if replying to your note will bring it out of the grey, but I'm gonna try. Your story needs to be heard.
Agreed. Also, "regressive" is a better term than "conservative" in my opinion.
I went straight to the GSA website to make a donation - no cookies needed in return. I just want them to take my money and keep on doing what they're doing.
So let me get this straight...a House Republican falls into a trap that House Republicans set for themselves, and she's blaming Obama? Does the nonsense ever end with these people?
I bet she had the same reaction after hearing Sheridan describe how much he loves to swallow Tarquin's loads. You don't want to get that stuff on silk pajamas, believe you me.
I continue to be amazed by the fact that no one with this mindset ever seems to hold Republicans in the House accountable for their obstructionist and unproductive behavior regarding any legislation that actually might benefit society and the economy. Boggles the mind.
Me too. At least this way Kerry has some advance warning and can make a quick getaway if she needs to.
Yup, several times. I like making appointments because I know when to show up; this is especially helpful when the only times I can really visit are on weekends or evenings when everybody else is also trying to get in. I like that they are expecting me when I walk in the door, and I like getting personalized service.…
Actually, you can do lots of changing around defaults and customizing on a Mac through the Terminal, if you're skilled in UNIX, which is at the core of the Mac OS. The beauty is that that functionality is hidden from the "technologically incompetent" but is available to tinkerers should they choose.
As a dude, I highly recommend Lab Series for men. I use it to even out redness on my cheeks (which make me look like an apple-cheeked youngster - not always a good thing when you're trying to get people to take you seriously). Goes on easily and becomes pretty much invisible (just don't use too much). A little goes a…
Oh yeah, I'd hit that. There can never be enough shirtless Breckin out there for me (seriously, he just doesn't take off his shirt enough). This is a good start. WANT MOAR BRECKIN.
Congress has to approve their fees. The USPS can't raise rates to keep up with fuel costs, inflation, etc. without congressional approval.
She didn't have to accept his proposal; maybe she said yes under false pretenses.