
Plus they tend to forget that the founding fathers were radical liberals - the notion of "all men are created equal" was shockingly left-wing in a world where many still believed that a monarch was touched by God and that the divine right of kings was a real thing.

Cooch Watch on Facebook is doing a pretty good job of getting the message out about this nut case as well. https://www.facebook.com/CoochWatch2012

I agree. It is not a one-size fits all world. If this helps more guys find a proper fit, so much the better.

That seems to happen a lot in hotels too and it drives me crazy.

I misunderstood the headline and thought it was an article about successfully treating BPH, or enlargement of the prostate, which is non-cancerous but bothersome and incurable. As in, "Prostate Treatment Causes Permanent Shrinkage" and my hopeful brain added, "of the Prostate" to the end, but no luck. My brother has

Over the holidays some troll asked me (in a very condescending tone of voice), "about that Michelle Obama, what exactly does she do?" And I was like, you mean besides being a Harvard-educated lawyer who earned her BA at Princeton, mom of two, wife of the most powerful man in the world, advocate for children's health

What about buttchugging?


Aren't they out of business?

Ooooh yes. Blasted angle walkers. WALK IN A STRAIGHT LINE, FOOLS!

I always thought it was a short version of "I psyched you out," hence, "psych."

She's the best thing about "Bob's Burgers" on Fox. Love her!

I checked myself in for the flight using United's app on my phone, and the boarding pass showed up in Passbook automatically.

I used it with a recent United flight and there was no pulling up or opening of anything. When I arrived at the airport Passbook came up on my lock screen and the boarding pass was immediately available, no further clicks needed. The same thing happens with my Walgreen's discount card. It knows when I'm in the store

Nope. 13" MacBook Pro and iPad 3rd generation, and years ago a 12" MacBook, all purchased as refurbs. The warranty is the same and if you take one in to the Apple Store for any reason, they don't differentiate between factory fresh and refurb items (at least not that I've been aware of).

Look in Settings -> Notifications -> Messages. You can choose to have a sound (or not) or a vibration (or not). That may be what you're talking about.

Yes, I agree - as you say, it's simply the right thing to do. For me it's about empathy and compassion. As a responsible citizen, I am willing to pay taxes to support public education (even thought I have no children) and other social programs.

I know, right? All this time I've stupidly been buying my own alcohol and Apple products. Geez, do I feel like a dummy!

What a dipshit...maybe people are just tired of pundits and politicians talking ABOUT them instead of WITH them, and they would actually prefer to vote for someone who actually seems to care about them and what they have to say? Obama's victory is a victory for empathy, compassion and humanity.

I'm a guy and I want one. And "minaudière" is my new favorite word.