Not all white people are stupid teabaggers, but all stupid teabaggers are white! What does that tell ya...right?
Not all white people are stupid teabaggers, but all stupid teabaggers are white! What does that tell ya...right?
That's the most common nickname for him on the Facebook page I'm a fan of - "Ken Cucinnelli is an Idiot!"
Whoopi doesn't hold anything back, especially farts.
Well said. It's fast and slick, but can be confusing. At my workplace we've already decided to sit this one out and stick with Win 7 for the time being. Until they've ironed out some of the inconsistencies, it's not worth retraining our users at this point.
Thanks, George W. Bush always cools things off for me.
Sadly, people like her are absolutely not concerned with "personal sacrifices and cooperation," only their own selfish interests.
When did Fox News start coming out in print? Oh yeah, the Wall Street Journal.
Oh, that heaving chest...and so much more articulate than Lochte.
Red Farm in the West Village has one of these fancy terlets in their washroom. It almost literally scared the piss out of me when I walked in and the lid opened by itself and started playing music. It was a pleasant enough experience, but they only have one unisex restroom so I wasn't able to spend as much time…
Maybe that's the capital of Amercia.
Because religion.
You rock. Nice rebuttal. I may have to use some of that next time I call my mom.
Yup! He's a big proponent of education, especially science and math.
For Chrome:
Exactly this. Some people voted for guys like this thinking they were going to get smaller government, less spending, etc., but obviously these officials really weren't interested in anything like that (hence the gridlock in Washington, no plans offered as alternatives for creating jobs/bettering the economy or…
Oh, I can believe many of the allegations are totally possible. I get that. What I have a problem with is that he openly boasts about cheating on his girlfriend, which causes me to doubt his character and makes me think he might not be a totally reputable source.
"I took a lot of Apple employees to the strip club, my girlfriend didn't know—actually, the Apple Store employees helped me cheat on my girlfriend a lot."
I'm with you - I use Yelp for location features only and tend to ignore the reviews. Sometimes I read them for a laugh (the people who use big words to sound smarter or more sophisticated are the funniest).