
It’s been quite some time since I’ve been to church, but this one popped right to the front of my mind:

But, like all things Ryan Murphy, nothing gold can stay.

Here is the Clinton scandal in one fell swoop.

Am I a bad person because I don’t feel like Clinton’s email thing is as bad as the racism and woman-hate that the republicans are peddling? I get that she was wrong here, and that she has said some racist things in the past. But I would still vote for her over people who show blatant hatred for minorities and women.

Her response isn’t shady. When she did this it was legal. The law has changed since then and she is complying with the new laws. It’s a manufactured scandal. Just like the fake Planned Parenthood fetus selling videos. The GOP hopes this will give their candidates a shot at the Whitehouse.

No. Not really. Not at all. And I’m saying that as someone who definitely is not supporting Clinton in the primary. First, as I understand it, all of the investigations are being requested by Republican officials. Independent probes already have cleared Clinton multiple times. It isn’t that it’s one long thing being

In related news, the FBI still can’t find any fucks for rational people to give about this story.

I’m still confused by how Republicans think this was the worst thing in the world (and it certainly wasn’t good), but didn’t care at all about the Bush administration doing the exact same thing.

“I don’t think dignity is guaranteed in the Constitution. I think dignity is something that you find within yourself,” Davis said. “I feel really sad that … someone could be so unhappy with themselves as a person that they did not feel dignified as a human being until they got a piece of paper. I mean, there’s just

A Muslim president would no more turn government control to sharia law than Catholic JFK turned it over to the pope—as many feared. Grow up, people. Besides, with the lack of autonomy to women, the Rs are the ones pushing for sharia-style.

And yet, all these Republicans want us to put our faith in the hands of big business. Corporate America and Jesus will be America’s salvation.

In this case, it’s not baloney, it’s peanut butter.

Would still bang. (Hangs head in shame).

For fuck’s sake.

Attention all news outlets:

See my last reply. For an independent you really spout some of the most extreme right wing myths out there. And seem to believe them.

Seriously tho, what’s missing from all this coverage is the fact that a political party using government resources and taxpayer dollars to fund a redundant investigative committee with the sole intention of taking out a political rival before a national election... Would’ve been a political scandal rivaling watergate

LOL, we’re not stanning for her.

Once again, personal responsibility is for the poors. It's never the executive's fault if the business is doing poorly enough for mass layoffs. It's not the fault of the financial industry execs that they crashed the economy. It's not the fault of Republican elected officials if the economy sucks on their watch. But

The media and its demonstration of what attractive is supposed to look like is one thing, an individual’s perception of what’s attractive are not the same thing. I want to feel strong muscles and watch my guy’s abs ripple and arms flex while we’re doing the deed. I don’t want to have to get on top and then ride the

Why does not wanting to fuck a fat person have to be for reasons like you “don’t want the stigma to rub off on you,” or because you don’t like your own body, or because the media says it’s “not cool”? There is nothing wrong with not wanting to bang a fat person because you simply aren’t attracted to fat people, or