Also I am very troubled by Vanity Fair’s use of italicized small caps. “Gets” is not a word like “in” or “and” that would not be capitalized in a traditional headline. It’s a verb. It gets a capital letter. The rule isn’t about just short words.
Also I am very troubled by Vanity Fair’s use of italicized small caps. “Gets” is not a word like “in” or “and” that would not be capitalized in a traditional headline. It’s a verb. It gets a capital letter. The rule isn’t about just short words.
I think the moral of the story is that hetero men think that LITERALLY EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING WANTS THEIR DICK.
1. What kind of self-respecting member of the LGBTQ community would have Chris Brown perform in the first place?! Seriously though. Wtf. Shame.
Really wish it was true that homophobic discrimination was against the law. At least in the US, sexuality and gender identification are not protected classes with regard to discrimination.
Homophobia based discrimination isn’t against the law, though. Common fallacy. Same states have protections, but not all. The issue is that her religious freedom as protected by the constitution is not being violated according to the Supreme Court, and she’s being a whiny baby about it. Signing paperwork so same sex…
Actually, American English has arguably changed less than British English since the 1700s. This is pretty common: new colonies tend to hold on to old pronunciations more than the original cultures. In Quebec they essentially speak 17th century French, and we speak something close to 17th century British English.
I don’t know about that; Brits use a lot of slang and their grammar isn’t noticeably stricter than ours.
RIGHT! give him a break. he was probably horribly embarrassed and her writing to a newspaper about it sure didn’t help!
ok sure but “disrespectful”? that’s a stretch. “annoying” - sure. “gross” - maybe. it’s a fart. it’s a human body, and everyone does it. she needs to get over it, IMO. hopefully she can see more in this dude than just his flatulence.
From Bristol Palin’s blog:
This man is an actual brain surgeon. HOW IS HE SO STUPID?
I love grocery shopping. As a kid, my dad would take me on Saturday mornings. It was our fun daddy-daughter time. Now I like it because I enjoy cooking and being organized, so grocery shopping fulfills my love of food and making lists!
I’m the same way! I lived for a short stint in a 3rd world country where the grocery stores were absolutely bare by comparison to US stores, and nearly a decade later I am still hit with an odd sense of reassurance and safety every time I walk into a grocery store here. I figure, even if something bad happens (like a…
I use Amazon subscribe and save (after reading about it here). When I’m searching for stuff to add to my order I use Invisible Hand to make sure it’s not cheaper somewhere else. The shipping is free and you get a 15% discount if you order five or more items at a time. I’ve also heard good things about, which…
i get that it looks fine, but its working against the point of the medium. like if vine suddenly let you post photos or longer videos. there is a reason why we have several different social media platforms. facebook is for being embarrassed about your cousins racist posts, tumblr is for projecting coolness without…