As a Veteran of this country and a gun carrying citizen I completely AGREE with you! irresponsible people have ruined our rights and now everyone needs to be punished. its a shame to. RIP 2nd amendment
As a Veteran of this country and a gun carrying citizen I completely AGREE with you! irresponsible people have ruined our rights and now everyone needs to be punished. its a shame to. RIP 2nd amendment
There is a happy medium at home defense and hunting that civilised countries have long ago figured out, but here in ‘Murica, yahoos want to carry assault rifles into Wal-Mart.
Ban all guns. Make them illegal to posses. Getting caught with one is an automatic jail sentence. This nonsense has gone on for too long. This amendment was authored by people who were okay with slavery. It does not, and should not, translate to 2015 America
Hey, asshole, the U.S. is his fucking country! He’s Puerto-Rican, not Mexican. Why is he responsible for Mexico having good government any more than you are responsible for Greece or some other majority-white country having good government?
Fucking vote already! You have the freakin’ numbers to own the South and this country today! You and the Democrats could OWN Texas if you’re a majority there! Same in Arizona! The GOP would have to come crawling on it’s hands on knees to you begging for forgiveness and completely disavowing the racists in…
Microwaved. Turkey. “Bacon”.
More reporters need to be like Ramos during press conferences. Speak up and demand an answer, don’t let the politician avoid you, reject dodges and non-answers, and make it clear that YOU (and your reporter colleagues) are the one running the press conference and deciding what the politician gets to answer for, not…
That’s exactly the attitude the NRA wants you to have. By all means, don’t even bother. Just give up and let us live in the real life kill-or-be-killed video game they have created.
Seriously, if the slaughter of little kids in their elementary school can’t force change (and in fact creates a cry for “MORE GUNS! MORE GUNS!”) than nothing will.
LIVE! Killed LIVE and on the air! We now have people being MURDERED on live TV. We have CHILDREN being murdered in their classrooms. Nothing gets done. We, as a country, through our inaction have said this is A-OKAY. Just another day in the beautiful United States! Let freedom ring and god bless America and her guns!
This is very telling of his sanctimonious behavior;
He said “graphic depictions of sexuality” not sex. Like he couldn’t deal with relationships being presented.
Okay. Allow me to gather my eyeballs back from where I just rolled them the hell out of my head, so that I might respond to this ridiculousness as a Literature instructor at the college level.
READING SOMETHING IS NOT THE SAME AS EXPERIENCING SOMETHING. That means you can read about what it’s like to be a gay person…
Grosso could've just not read the book, but why waste an opportunity to appear sanctimonious in public?
Seems like Fraternities around the US will not rest until they are all disbanded and no longer allowed to exist. That is perfectly fine with me.
Don’t people feel ashamed any more. If people keep on coming to you to tone it down, shouldn’t it be clear enough to you that you are too loud?
Okay, kicking them off the train seems really extreme...BUT I gotta say I can’t stand groups of people who have zero consideration for others with their loud laughing...all races, all genders, all types. It’s obnoxious. I’ve watched entire bars clear out because one or more people think it’s fine to cackle at top…
No. How fucking dare she imply that these two soldiers, graduates of West Point, an MP and a helicopter pilot, who worked so incredibly hard to even get the chance to attend Ranger school, and then completed it against all odds, how fucking dare she even think they should just shut up and go away and do ladylike…