
When I watched the video, uncut without commentary, I interpreted her part of the dialogue as “I’m listening to your community’s suggestions as to what to do about our obvious race problem, because I don’t want to be the privileged one dictating to the oppressed group, so please give me your suggestions because I’m

As a former denizen of all boy’s high school, who would happily sit and watch them wander around half-dressed and moistly virile, I can only say SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Maybe boys shouldn’t dress so distractingly.

I think in any good relationship, both partners take the time to make sandwiches for each other. Or get a beer out of the fridge while they’re up, or take turns making dinner. It’s only right.

I can picture a dumbass redneck racist construction worker voting for this plan because he hates Mexicans, but then crying like a baby if it ever got implemented because his boss had to slash his wages to keep the company competitive against the new army of slaves sucking-up all the plum government building contracts.

I am Mexican. I for random reasons have documents. But I have many relatives and friends who are EXACTLY like me in every possible measure but have no documents. I do not consider myself any different from an undocumented Mexican but I can and will vote and I will make sure that me and my kids NEVER forget this. For

Good relationships are pretty quiet things. They are not spectacular explosions.

Sort of off topic: We had some lady who brought her teacup Yorkie “service dog” into the bar and was letting it run around and I was like, “Lady there is rat poison at like every bar, including this one. Your dog is about the size of a DC rat. It will die if it eats any. Keep it on your lap.” She was PISSED. I don’t

Because that would mean that the government and law enforcement agencies would have to acknowledge that all the violent rhetoric (specifically from Republicans) has an actual impact and needs to be addressed. Easier to say that it’s a mentally ill lone wolf white man instead of part of a systemic problem.

Right-wing terrorism will be one of the greatest threats we must deal with, in the coming decade. Galvanized by a neoreactionary status quo that convinces them they are under attack; enabled by outmoded and timid government policies that weaponize their paranoia; and brainwashed within echo chambers that the Internet

I was watching something on my DVR last night and when it was over, Kimmel was on. As soon as my cat heard Josh Groban singing, her head whipped around and she stared at the TV, completely mesmerized. Pretty sure my cat is in love with him. Then again, who isn’t?

I love that he and Kat Dennings are dating, but also, could he please break up with Kat Dennings and date me? Or I could just join their relationship. I would totally settle for that.

Best part about Gamrat’s press conference was that she brought two veterans along, and after reading her prepared statement, she pointed them out and said something to the effect of, “If they can face that kind of adversity, I can come out here and speak.”

She compared having to face the public after cheating on her

Those who are running as representatives of the Republican party have the same views. They are in the positions they are in because most Republican voters agree with them.

This is a former governor and Fox television host. He’s not making some crazy rant on the internet. He is the Republican party. He is not a moron. He is a cruel, calculating man in a position of power.

Well, if the strip still gives you and much of your readership pleasure, why would you quit? Breathed quit Opus (and strips) because the political climate was becoming too angry for his type of humor (though Breathed is seemingly coming back to Bloom County...which I eagerly await). Bill Watterson quit ostensibly

Actually, I’m criticizing a young woman who chooses to behave ridiculously and happens to be petite. Who, you can start setting the betting odds on, will shortly be whining that no one takes her seriously. She’s a very pretty girl. Who chooses to dress like a 12 year old pageant queen & behave like a 3 year old with

Most kids know better...

“Do you see how different this strip is from the one in 1955?”

Remember, it’s always the parents’ choice. Their freedom to choose is tantamount. The government should never control that important right to the plans you have for your family. Your “family planning,” if you will.