
Come do it an interview with me, I’ll shut that shit down in a quick minute and escort you out with a “Thanks for coming in”.

Yeah, NO.

I think its more than gendered, its also about age, race and privilege too. I personally find uptalk grating. Women in my family were raised to speak assertively and powerfully (which presents a problem in corporate America when you’re a black girl that likes to sound uppity but that’s another topic). For me this is

I have just never heard a man sound like this in my experience. If I had, they would be given the same side eye I’d give their woman counterpart. This to me is a phenomenon that affects women disproportionately, just like overuse of the word “sorry” and “like” and making declarative statements that sound like

No. Women who sound like this sound terrible. I can’t speak for anyone else, but it ain’t just the bros. Women who speak like this may come across as uniformed and unintelligent in a professional setting. Trust, as someone who is well versed in code switching, its fine to sound like a Kardashian amongst your friends.

So I had an abortion a little over two years ago. It was a wanted pregnancy, too. My son was diagnosed with half of his heart, which leads to suffocation at birth if not treated immediately with at least 3 open heart surgeries before 3 years old. And sometimes these kids die from heart attacks at the age of 4 when

Oh, please don’t look at the Twitter comments on the original tweet Marie linked to. There’s one woman who actually says, “I’m 52 and have never looked at your website or used your ‘services’”.

Nope, screw “mouth feel,” aspartame tastes gross. Grody gross gross gross.

I have great affection for Miranda Hart. She’s a gem.

One of my favourite things about Poldark is the absolutely outrageous flirting going on between Ross and Enys. The two of them always look like they’re about two bottles of wine away from making out. Tarts.

One time when I was really poor and didn’t have health insurance, a PP nurse practitioner gave me antibiotics also appropriate for an upper respiratory infection when I originally went in for a UTI (I was really, really sick). They definitely saved me from having to go to the hospital pre-ACA and incurring impossible

SoOoOo...I know I’m just one random internet commenter dude but....even if PP was doing what the video purported to catch them doing....Is it bad that I just don’t care, like, at all?

THIS is why I like reading recaps: It confirms what I feared from the beginning, that this would be a shit show and I’d regret giving up my time watching it all play out.

Aggghhhh would have would have would have

Would a box of been the difference between life and death in this situation, probably not.

This is why stigmatizing abortion and reducing access needs to stop.

This is what happens when you teach women that there is only one way to be a good mother. This is what happens when you teach women that perfection is the primary goal, that mistakes are the enemy, that outward perception is sacrosanct. This is what happens when you value a woman’s relationships over her mental health