
I recently trashed a hand-cranking popcorn machine a terrible ex gifted me, because he thought I should like popcorn more. Fuck him and fuck that thing.

Everything is picture perfect. All it needs is a Hollywood star.

Bobby please next time post a visual

Yah know, more unbecoming than say, 3rd marriage, your older children shunning their mom. Or your third wife goes “not without my daughter” on your ass and leaves in the cover of night. Tom, more unbecoming than that? Tom?

Glob do I love Louise Belcher!

I really wish that Sons of Anarchy wasn’t so crummy and sexist cause the eye candy in that show is unreal. I’m particularly found of these heavily pandering scenes involving shirtlessness and Ryan Hurst-

Celebs tend to get punished for our own weird obsessions or the media narrative created for them. Why won’t Charlie Hunnam stop with the 50 Shades? Because he keeps getting asked. Why can’t Jennifer Anniston move on? Er, the problem is not with her, but with the mandatory reference to her being supposedly second

Speaking of butt stuff, I am absolutely sure that when Meatloaf sings he will do anything for love, but he won’t do that, “that” means “butt stuff”.

He also refused to outline exactly what proof he had that Mexico was funneling criminals over the border, saying only, “We’ll be showing you the evidence.”

the DNC rn:

I’m a one hit wonder, and the last time I smoked I got suuuuuuuuper high off 1/4 of a tiny joint, and then spent an hour stroking my bored dogs’ ears, gazing into their eyes, and telling them how wonderful I think it is that they are not only conscious beings, but have consciousness that is separate from my own.

It takes a few/ several smokes before you’ll feel any effect. I dunno why. Also dunno why no one ever really talks about that.

He didnt die due to eating a cookie. He died because he came to a sudden stop.

All I hear is an angry man yelling a whole lot because the buffet line has brussel sprouts and he HATE brussel sprouts and how dare they offer brussel sprouts when he hates them so much that he doesn’t want his adult daughters to go anywhere near those brussel sprouts.

WHO is feeding all the trolls?? I can’t get ungreyed to save my life and I have to read absolute morons spouting high school level drivel about minorities “whining” that they don’t get to, you know, participate equally in employment?

I wish parents would realize how dangerous it is to let their kids run around in restaurants. Not everyone is looking out for them! I, for one, don’t have children. I’m also tall and clumsy. This means that if I’m walking through a restaurant, I am not looking for your rugrat, I’m keeping my eyes at adult level. Which

nothing, exes are exes, if something still hunts you or your partner, you didn’t move on

Everyone I meet in Washington, DC.

You’d have a point if we had perfected, consumer-grade autonomous cars. We don’t. The laws requiring manual controls and a person in the driver’s seat are necessary because the cars are so experimental.