
We have to win this fight for LGBT civil rights. We have to make them a federally protected class. Lest there be a massive wave of disingenuous (there is no such religious belief that you cannot hire someone to work in your business because they don’t practice your specific beliefs) religious discrimination against

That’s okay, you can fire unwed mothers if we can fire creepy baby-obsessed Christians.

“In Orlando, the “dead broke” ad emerged as the most effective spot, partly because it captured the gulf between Mrs. Clinton’s life and those of the less affluent people gathered.”

Ahhhh, the old “we’re going to take our country back” bullshit spouting from the mouth of an old rich white man. If old rich white men aren’t still running the country, who is? Who has taken the reigns of the country from you? It isn’t women. It isn’t black people. It certainly isn’t Latinos that you’re trying to send

You know why they’re doing this kind of focus group work on Hillary and not Bernie? Because every Republican knows all they have to do if Bernie gets the nod is put up a picture of him with “I am a socialist” in big bold letters, and the uneducated portion of the electorate will run like hell. The percentage of the

I wonder when the last time was that a conservative ran on policy as opposed to demonization of his opponent?

“If an embryo is not a person, what is it?”

Though he didn’t mention it in his speech, Rubio has supported three exceptions to making abortion illegal—in cases of rape, incest and if the mother’s life is at stake.

Distortion by media? Really he said it straight, Trump is a shitbag

“Zakarian is using the distortions by the media...”

Donald, it’s so crazy how videos work nowadays. They record everything you say just as the nonsense oozes out of your stupid mouth. Definitely “distortions by the media” if you define “distortions” as things that really happened and “media” as my own damn eyes and ears.


This makes me SO ANGRY. What with the the plugging in and the phone ringing and all this business. When you enter a theater, you are signing a social contract. That contract says you sit there and be quiet and in exchange you are entertained.

You know what else encourages sexual activity amongst young people?

It’s a shame he’s too old to play Prinze Charming.

Evil laugh gif party!

When you’re flocking to Ann Coulter for support, you know you’ve hit rock bottom.

The total sum of my thoughts on Donald Trump as told in vacation photos

Like, I really just want to walk up to a Republican politician in Colorado and ask him: “Look at the data. Now tell me why you do not want this funded.” Because my brain cannot comprehend what he could possibly say to justify not continuing this program. Cannot. Compute.

So you’re saying that providing women access to safe birth control actually reduces the amount of unwanted pregnancies?