
i’m here to talk about newsies, if anyone wants to do that.

As a non-American my understanding of the arguments around the Confederate (Battle) Flag go like this -


Oh, how I would love to introduce Gina to my friend Kate, a 50-something polio survivor (with partial paralysis making her dependent on crutches and/or a wheelchair, mind you, but still fucking grateful to be alive and relatively well). Kate would probably say something to the effect of, “Are you really that fucking

It is my duty to post this whenever I see Channing Tatum on jez:

I remember reading about that in last week’s New England Journal of Medicine. Oh wait, no I don’t, because it’s utter bullshit.

Toxins, big pharma, truth in all capitals (TRUTH), sheeple, random Capitalisation, or more than 2 exclamation points (!!!!)

What in the everloving fuck is this? Where are the good dances? Those are not dances. These are dances. I will take way more of the voguing though. That can stay.

hey Gina, i googled it... I GOOGLED IT! And guess what... as of last year India is polio free, thanks to the tireless efforts of health care workers getting to hard to reach areas of the country previously inaccessible. In fact, thanks to these ruthless spreaders of toxic poison, only 3 countries in the world are

This is exactly the review I wanted!! Thank you.

nothing you just said is true. yelling “google it” doesn’t make your mercola found “facts” any less wrong. In another thread you said you’re never having children? pls keep to that. You not spawning will make the world a smarter place.

because they never tested it on black faces because....tech....

For those who care - the new “Magic Mike” is everything the first film should have been; less talking, more stripping. The pretentiousness of trying to develop a storyline is there, but damn - Joe ManJello saved the movie. He’s sex on a stick!

If mandatory vaccines are a serious issue in your mind, then I commend your decision not to expose any children to your insane, retrograde, potentially murderous ideas.

When I hear “TOXINS” I be like