That’s why I hate Southwest and avoid them at all costs. Who thinks a boarding scrum is useful or appropriate?
That’s why I hate Southwest and avoid them at all costs. Who thinks a boarding scrum is useful or appropriate?
I hate Southwest because their bullshit seating system turns everyone into the worst kind of bootstraps capitalist. They’re all like, “I had internet access and was free at the exact second checkin was permitted, so I DESERVE my A-seat you miserable peasant! Maybe if you’d worked harder, you wouldn’t have to take the…
Can we talk about what an amazing Governor Jerry Brown is? I mean, he’s not perfect, but he was handed a shit sandwich from the Terminator and has quietly done a fantastic job slowly righting things.
I made it 1 minute 24 seconds into Coffee and gave up. Team Bobby on this one, Miguel does nothing for me.
Yeah, if you ever go to Sweden, people are like “Oh hello kind sir, welcome to the glorious country of Sweden, I hope you will endeavor to embark on a tour of our gastronomical delights while you ponder the magnificence of our breathtaking scenery, and please excuse my terrible English, really it’s embarrassing how…
Here you go:
When you give rights to the minority, you take rights away from the majority—-simple logic.
Shut up.
Oh for fuck’s sake. I’m a “young” woman (is 32 young? I dunno. The world still treats me like I’m a 15 year old girl, so I’ll go with “yes”). I’m also an attorney and although Roberts' opinion doesn’t surprise me in the least, I am glad that I got the news here.
Seriously— dig the Scold Master over here! That’s worse than tone policing, that’s a Tone Nazi right there. “Shame on you frivolous young women for celebrating a positive SCOTUS decision! Can’t you just settle down and harrumph a little? Here’s how you should be behaving as proper news consumers! Now you little gals…
Sometimes when I get depressed I think about how one day Justice Scalia will be dead and I feel better.
“Earned the honor” - bwah bwah bha ha haha. Thomas is on the bench SOLELY because he was the only conservative black jurist Bush the Elder could find to replace Marshall. He’s there to be a giant f-you to Democrats and liberals. He’s supremely unqualified for his position. Both Scalia and Thomas have huge ethics…
You’re so right. Why should we ever question or mock people “that have earned the honor” of leading us or helping us make decisions. BE MORE RESPECTFUL GUYZ.
I am a young liberal woman. I am Jezebel’s target audience. I saw the news of the decision elsewhere, and then PURPOSELY came to Jezebel to join in the celebration.
The difference is that we are aware that this site includes biased opinions from the writers, unlike something like Fox “News” where they are claiming to be “fair and balanced.” There are times on Jez when I click on the links in the posts to read the mostly neutral version of the story because I want to get a…
I’m a huge SVU fan but to me Meloni will always be called “Dick Cream” >_<