In our little lesbian family we don’t divide things by gender. Whoever does it best,does it. My lovely wife can’t fix a damn thing, and I’m as cliche as they come with my toolbelt. She spots me on the ladder.
In our little lesbian family we don’t divide things by gender. Whoever does it best,does it. My lovely wife can’t fix a damn thing, and I’m as cliche as they come with my toolbelt. She spots me on the ladder.
It’s talking and sorting it out-more than strict equity, which would naturally be affected by each couple’s tendencies and schedules and desires-that means the most.
I was pro-choice before I got pregnant, but pregnancy really cemented my belief that access to free and safe abortions is one of the most important issues today. NO ONE should have to go through a pregnancy if they don’t want to. People who say “put the baby up for adoption if you don’t want it” can go fuck…
I have a friend who worked for NARAL - she had a (MUCH) better maternity leave policy that I did - and I work at a Catholic university. Also, her policy covered adoption - mine didn’t.
That would require these pro-lifers to be able to think, reason and accept facts, which is clearly not the case.
9 times out of 10 it’s straight white men who complain about political correctness. They hate that they live in a world where they can no longer make disparaging comments about people that are not like them without repercussion. They want the freedom to disrespect others but of course we have to respect them because…
My understanding of PC= people generally respecting other people and taking other peoples perspective into consideration and really making an effort to try to understand and incorporate other peoples perspectives into one’s own worldview in an attempt to grow as a human being and have a more balanced and holistic…
Shorter version of what he said: “people aren’t allowed to say whatever they want without being called out for their b.s. anymore.”
As a guy who really doesn’t enjoy entourage & just couldn’t get into it i think this is awesome.
Sure, of course ladies love fun, which is probably why they don’t want to see Entourage.
it’s hilarious that so many people have starred a comment with such a completely wrong statement of law, and one that isn’t even relevant in this case anyway (we have no idea if the customers are gay or not, because the bakery didn’t discriminate based on the customer’s class membership, but based on message they…
Sexuality is protected *in some states*. We really need to work on this. In some places, you really aren’t safe to come out to your employer without fear of reprisal.
I hate to nitpick, but I think it’s really important to point out that sexual orientation is a protected class in less than half the states. The cake case in NM went through because they have a law. In most states, LGB* people can be fired, discriminated against in adoption and foster care, and in other ways. The…
Do you mean state-by-state? Federally I don’t think sexual orientation is considered a protected class.
Have mine in indigo and you can pry it from my cold dead hands. It’s perfect for overnight, perfect for personal item carry-on and it folds up easily and thinly in another suitcase. Then I have a Baxinyl for weekend trips and overhead bin luggage.
My Longchamp Le Pliage is awesome. Black on black (the link shows the brown leather on black tote) so it doesn’t get scuffed up, holds a lot of weight without stressing the straps, which was always my problem with my previous bags. I got the large tote because I need a lot of room... I carry an ipad with me, I have my…
he tells others how to raise their children. look at this kid. look at what kind of movie his kid is in.
I’m sorry but when these people crow on and on about family values, tell you and I how we should be raising our own children, wax on about how fathers not being present in the home is the downfall of civilization and then have shitheaded children themselves, it’s fair game. Blame their fucking politician fathers for…