
I believe Listerine actually makes a line with fluoride as well, if you like Listerine.

I believe Listerine actually makes a line with fluoride as well, if you like Listerine.

Yes, actually the pictured variety of Listerine, which I use, has Fluoride and Alcohol.

Yes, actually the pictured variety of Listerine, which I use, has Fluoride and Alcohol.

I feel I should take offense to a grown woman with bangs calling me a nerd, honestly.

Listerine Cool Mint, you cant beat the original. Personally I love the burn, and this stuff can cover anything from cigarettes to the dreaded Garlic breath.

Listerine Cool Mint, you cant beat the original. Personally I love the burn, and this stuff can cover anything from

Listerine Total Care. It has fluoride in it, which, bizarrely, most mouthwashes don’t include.

Listerine Total Care. It has fluoride in it, which, bizarrely, most mouthwashes don’t include.

Maybe I’m of the persuasion that no pain = no gain but Listerine wins for me. It burns, which for some reason conveys to me that stuff is getting killed in my mouth, but in seriousness it also seems to clean my teeth the best out of any mouthwash I’ve tried.

Maybe I’m of the persuasion that no pain = no gain but Listerine wins for me. It burns, which for some reason

I hope his inner monologue reads like Beavis from Beavis and Butthead.

God, Adam Levine is kind of like In-N-Out Burger, in that I keep a hopeful eye out for for him any time I happen to be in L.A. even though I know he’s greasy and kind of gross.

That’s a cute butt. It’s not great but would I? Yes.

Buttsex or go home.

Having once been a 14 year old Boy, I can confirm that if I had teenage daughters, I’d want to keep them away from 14 year old boys. A 14 year old who gets off on pre teen and younger girls? In no way is that normal...

Yep , its like this.

Well said. But there’s also something about the conservative Christian response that bugs me. ALOT. They act like men are thinking about sex & rape ALL. THE. TIME. They act like all men would molest/rape if they knew they could get away with it. One of the Duggar in laws seemed to imply that all men would have done

The streets are crawling with post-borns just ripe for the taking.

It blows my mind that anyone can compare the two. A seven year old is not thinking about their body or anyone else’s in a sexual way. BUT HAS ANYONE EVER MET A 14 YEAR OLD BOY??

Every single story about these guys. Every single story.

“Welcome to Pregnancies Alternatives where we specialize in nonbortions”.