Oh, look: another story about an intelligent, educated female leader that reduces her to a bitchy stereotype.
Yes, this. Also, I refuse to vote for a pol who doesn’t see me as being fully human and deserving of equal rights, equal pay, and comprehensive medical and reproductive care.
Sigh. I’m not a fan of hers, but I would take her a million times over any of the RW types that want to “privatize” SS & Medicare, dismantle the ACA and start another war in the ME.
Although she is a multi-millionaire, gathering wealth by telling the wealthy and the powerful what they want to hear, I’m sure we can trust her to have the poor in mind when she makes policy (just like that other president named Clinton).
We can chalk this up to a larger societal problem, which is how Americans work themselves to death and sacrifice everything to appear busy. This “cult of busy” rewards people for boasting about how tired they are and why. Downtime and vacations are a dirty word in corporate America and despite how busy we are, we…
Gah, the moment they lost Peter as a cast regular is when things start going bad for me. They sorely missed his warmth and goofball attitude. Morgan and Reed are just caricatures at this point. I mean, remember the pilot when Reed was introduced as the sexy bad boy? I’m still not sure how he’s turned from that into…
Yeah, but I feel like women have a broader range of body types they/we find attractive than men. I mean, I’ve liked big old football player types, skinny guys, dadbods, shirtless Charlie Cox...there’s some variety there. Women, on the other hand, tend to have a much more narrow range of “acceptable” body shapes. And…
Females are strong as hell!
They alive, damn it!
Where is their cost-benefit analysis? Why does NO ONE have any economics 101 training on staffs that support laws like this? Or any other STUPID MONEY WASTED in government like Baltimore PD or Chicago PD paying victims? Instead of just changing to the cheaper option (AND MUCH MORE HUMANE OPTIONS) first??
Kansas is such a great example of the GOP’s failed economic policies. No wonder they are now resorting to that other thing they do so well...taking people’s FREEDOM™ away. I’m guessing some form of Religious Discrimination Liberty Bill can’t be too far behind if they aren’t already working on that one too.
Wow, go Hillary. That's so... un weasely for a US politician. I guess she was going to lose the "values voters" who want us all to be Gilead anyway, so I'm glad she's willing to go there instead of fellating the rings of the fundie church fathers like national politicians usually do.
The crazy thing is saying this is SUPER BOLD. Which it absolutely shouldn’t be because anyone with a brain can see that so much of this abortion/pro-life bs is based in religion.
I’m starting to like her with this. You can say whatever but in the current climate if a presidential candidate talks positively about access to abortion, it’s a bold and risky statement. (It’s sad that this is a risky statement in 2015 but it is).