
Yeah, we use that term often, as we have a ton of babygays come into town on the weekends.

uhhh babygay, babyqueer, babymo == totally acceptable, loving term describing that period of coming out when you wear all rainbows and everything about your life is gay gay gay.


This is why on first dates I’m always like

Ehh, ignore them. One is a known Class A retrograde troll.

its fine, these commenters (who are most def. straight.) are just tools.

Yeaaahhh, a few of us queer folks in the mini-apple have used that term for years. I’m old and in the cheap seats, is it not du jour where you’re from? [edited to add: seriously y’all, I’m asking...is it not cool to say? Don’t leave me hanging!]

Yeah. They are the littluns who are gay. They’re in a gloriously nascent period of not having to be closeted or out, just...them, proudly. It’s fucking awesome.

I teach high school and I can vouch for one thing: this new batch of kids are fucking awesome about a lot of things. They can be crappy towards each other sometimes, oblivious and callous at other times, but all in all, I would have had a MUCH better high school experience with this generation of kids than the ones I

I know our God has a plan and wins in the end!”

Can’t speak for all of Jez, but how exactly would I forgive Chris Evans and Jeremy Renner when I’m not angry enough (read: not angry at all) to require forgiveness?

1.) Give Blue Ivy a reality show and cancel Patti Stanger. I think Blue Ivy would be a lot more open to short/pale/red-headed/curly-haired women and would not shame them as Patti does.

I’m all for Matt Bomer playing anybody's lover in any project, cause I need more of his bare ass in my life.

Jezebel has done a number of articles about the very few places that gays have to congregate being overrun by straights. I would try to respect their space. This article says this bar is located in a gay neighborhood so my thought is to tread lightly.

I agree with you 100% except that it is located in a gay neighborhood and more likely than not a place for gay males to enjoy each others company without a bunch of straights ruining it. Jezebel has done several articles about bachelorettes infringing on gay establishments.

Yes, but what will the uniforms look like? Unless it’s speedos or tight boy shorts with tight vests this is a sham.

I hate to sound elitist (sort of) but the fucking guy didn’t even graduate from college. I’m not comfortable having a president who doesn’t have a college degree, and I know a large chunk of America is just going to eat up that storyline.

Also, beets just taste like gross purple dirt.

Uh, he’s the sexiest werewolf this side of the Mississippi, friend.