
a. 50 Cent's son is so cute. (Kinda ship him with another celeb baby but thats creepy so I'll stfu)

Gawd, I knew I would find this in the comments. The fact that it's feminists who are criticizing him the most proves that, once again, feminists are feminism's worst enemies. We say we want allies but I guess by "allies", we mean "silent masochistic punching bags". It's kinda sad when you're just as disgusted by the

this is valid, but there's still a narrative that you seem interested in pretending isnt there.

Mom to me after latest blizzard: It was 70 here today.

I'm for real lol'ing at this. : )

WTF. Really? Just paint the damn picture and keep your political commentary out of it. Jesus. Can we repaint the official portrait of Reagan to make commentary on how his AIDS policies killed thousands of people?

The thing about Joan Rivers was that she was vicious, but she was also self-deprecating. She never made herself into a higher being who was above the people she made fun of. She made it clear that she herself was far from perfect. That doesn't excuse some of the things she said, but it does give her a subtle

Until all Christians publicly condemn this sort of thing, I will continue to believe all Christians are pedophiles. It's only fair.

hear hear! it's a vicious, self destructive circle... and psychologically damaging to all members of these families. I will also say that I believe a lot of this stems from the lack of decent sex education in schools. I grew up during the AIDS peak in the 80's and we had very comprehensive sex education - granted, I

In the case of poverty, however, the majority of "the poor" in this country are still white, and many of the white poor live in the hinterlands of this country where Planned Parenthood facilities are routinely being "run out of town". If you live in an urban area, you're far more likely to have access to birth control

You are so correct. I am amazed at how Republicans have successfully used racism and religion (and guns! guns! guns!) to brainwash poor whites and whites just barely above the poverty level to vote for them and whatever propositions they espouse. Republicans regularly kill any attempts to raise wages, expand

Can we talk about the fact that people still literally line up to get into the Abercrombie store on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan? They have rope and stanchion to corral them and keep them in order. Hollister too.

Doesn't sound like they've" made great strides" to me. Trying hard, sure. Strides, not so much.

How come librarians are cool and libertines are fun, but libertarians are neither cool nor fun? Discuss.

I dress up every day. I feel like my patients showing up to their appointments deserve something more than yoga pants, or even business casual. I mean, if someone is prescribing you medication, admitting you to a hospital or managing your mental health would you want that person to look like a slob? I'm a fan of

Hmmmm, fashions you can buy over the Internet and which will probably fit out of the box are trumping stores where you have to truck your ass out to the mall, try on everything, and spend more money.

It used to be that you bought certain brand names because the clothing was very well made and would last, and it was cut well and hung properly.

I don't get all you nurture vs. nature people. It's both. Humans are products of evolution, and have behaviors that are more likely based on gender, but those behaviors are supported or stifled by culture (which in turn is the product of behaviors.)

There was this guy today at the cafe, where we were the only two people in the room, and he kept on staring at me, while I was eating, doing homework, and using the phone. And as I was using Tinder, I saw his profile, it was quite racially charged and full of fetishization (think confederate flags, Yellow Fever,