
Interesting note: when the states began leaving the Union in 1861, Governor Sam Houston (TX) refused to acknowledge his legislature's vote to secede. He was thrown out of office for refusing to swear allegiance to the Confederacy. He later proclaimed:

Interesting how you can spot a Dutchman when the woman being interviewed is speaking Danish and the interview is set in Aalborg, the forth largest town of Denmark.

I eagerly await the day we can advance the "days without a Fifty Shades post on Jezebel" counter past zero.

I had a conversation with a conservative member of my family many moons ago where he told me (upon finding out that I regularly contribute money to Planned Parenthood, which I told him proudly) that my feelings on abortion would drastically change when I got pregnant.

Fifty Shades of Lay

I live in a southern state and got in a huge debate with one of my students who's an open carry fanatic about this. I was like don't you see how it makes me viscerally uncomfortable when I'm going about my business and shopping with my 17 month-old at a Target and you are walking around with a gun? And he brings up

I hire people that just seem to fit in with the other employees, honestly, that's the most important thing to me, we can teach you how we need the job to be done, but you can't teach personality. When you spend 40+ hours a week with your co-workers, getting along with them is important.


someone said something to me with a historical basis, but i didn't like it, so rape.

Can we get a study on the disgusting eaters whose maws are like mysterious sound amplification chambers? Even with their mouths closed, they can make the crunch of a single potato chip reverberate throughout the house. Don't care how fast or slow you are eating I shouldn't be able to hear you chewing boiled rice from

I mean, if a woman who has been raped CHOOSES to go forward with the pregnancy, yes, of course, the child is still a person and as much a person as anyone else and can grow up to bring their mom/other family a lot of joy. But I am guessing that was not the context of his comment.

In other words, he's not sorry for his offensive comments, he's just sorry you don't share his opinions.

"I am sorry that anyone chose to interpret my statements as meaning exactly what I meant"

The 'apology' implies that "regardless of the circumstances" really means "without consideration for the emotional and physical toll on the human required to bring such child into the world and then presumably be wholly responsible for the care and upbringing of such human." So, yeah, notsomuch. Probably should just

Maybe, but you wouldn't care.

They fucking are not "investigating." I worked in call centers for years (and pray every day that I never, ever have to go back) and I can pretty much guarantee that they have a record of everyone who even enters someone's account. Even if it doesn't document who actually made the changes, they know who accessed her

We accept your allegiance Mark. And you are correct marshmallows are not food. We will never understand why you humans travel to the forests to light them on fire and then put them in your mouths. Is it some sort of ritual to appease your precious sugar gods?

Also, I would argue that they are in fact, very dumb. You might be educated, you might have multiple College degrees, you could have read fucking Ulysses in goddamn German while solving calculus equations, but if you choose to believe completely inaccurate and unscientific information because you feel you are right,

No, you just hijacked a comment section of an article meant to counter the stereotype that nonreligious people are automatically dysfunctional, nihilistic and rudderless without the security and rectitude of religion to somehow make it about how the tiny atheist minority might hurt the feelings of the group that is

They didn't come in and tell Christians to shut up. The OP was like "Fine, but just don't be ASSHOLES!" and then a bunch of religious people hopped on to thank her for reminding atheists not to be assholes, followed by some atheists, which BTW, are in a tiny religious minority in the U.S. that is also viewed very