
They've been trying to get women to stop wearing skinny jeans for years now, with the only real change being a change from low rise to tit high. We've cycled through enough silhouettes for most women to know which looks to give a pass to, and most women would think this would be supremely unflattering. My prediction

How? He's dead.

I'm of the first generation that had full access to the primary vacs. Born in early 1960s. But it was still far from unusual to have classmates out with measles, mumps, and scarlet fever. I remember in 2nd grade boys talking about how their testicles swelled like softballs and the pain. I remember several older high

Or is it possible that the God, grits, and guns crowd are the ones living in bubbles? I'm pretty sure that adherence to many of the keystones of the modern Republican party requires nothing more than a grade-school education. Those are Huckabee's bread and butter— or grits and gravy.

Even if it wasn't 99 percent, how about not alienating people who act slightly fucking different from you like they're made out of toxic waste?

As an owner of testicles, I have figured this problem out.

It is called baby powder.

Also Gold Bond works just as well.


Her face basiucally doesn't exist anymore. All I see is Louise Belcher

You may want to rethink that "I'm against late trimester abortions!" thing. Most abortions are performed in the first trimester. Those that are not (and this is a very, very small percentage of abortions) are performed because the mother's life is in danger OR because the fetus is suffering from an abnormality. We're

Because being fiscally conservative is not their real agenda. Being racist, classist, and misogynist is. Why would the Republican party be so eager to legalize drug tests for welfare applicants if they were fiscally conservative? There was a study done (will now go on a google search for it) showing that drug use

I always come back to what noted philosopher Bruce Vilanch had to say about Log Cabin Republicans: Why don't you just go out into the parking lot and beat yourself up?

Leading to the same question I ask of anyone working-class, middle-class, or a woman, or LGBT or really, any minority in the country, even those with money: How can you align yourself with these people who do not respect you, do not want to speak to or for your interests and issues, and take every chance to remind

Say it with me. Hotnesssssssssssssss.

The only thing the last attempt really got right was casting Chris Evans as Johnny Storm.

I blame the glorification of thuggishness that pervades white culture...a level of disrespect that is too often passed down from white parents (especially white single parents) to their white children.

Whenever I see Bobby Jindal, I am reminded of the time when I was watching him on the news with the television muted, closed caption on (I was on the phone). The closed captioning kept referring to him as "Govenor Genital" and "Bobby Genital, governor of Louisiana." Now whenever I see him, he is "Governor Genital" to

It's like the ones that say they are "Christians" but do not support helping the poor.

This asshole was just in London and he managed to piss off everyone by lying about no go zones for non-Muslims. Republicans you are obsessed with spreading lies about UK (including the NHS), so please leave us alone even UK Conservatives think you guys need to get a new hobby.

The upside to all of this is that Jindal will not ever rank higher than he does as a Governor of lower state (as seen by the GOP). A few years ago they thought putting their strength behind him as a "minority leader' would help them, but the GOP has since lost faith. He'll never be a unifying factor considering all