
It is outrageous when a single unelected and unaccountable federal judge can uphold the fundamental democratic value of protecting the minority from the tyranny of the majority, and in doing so assert the principle that human rights apply to everyone.

Remember how Jimmy was a wanted man for supposedly killing a bunch of women? And then his father helped him escape so he's still a highly wanted fugitive?

1. Tips are part of the cost of the meal, just as compensation for employees is a part of every single retail transaction. This is even specifically legally the case, as restaurants are typically allowed to not compensate servers at minimum wage.

She said there was manager.

Not that I'm gonna believe that you happen to be that actual customer without a huge fucking grain of salt and a lot of side-eye, but if you were (and are colossally lame enough to not only admit it, but revel in it) the fact that you think that "a rsvp" is the same thing as a reservation makes you the "retarded" one

There's so much to love about your comment, but this is my favorite part:

You had an RSVP? Like they invited you to lunch and you confirmed via mail or email? That's weird. Do restaurants usually send you invites? If so, they should stop.

I feel like they missed a golden opportunity to get Nick Jonas in his underwear again... biebs just doesn't do it for me never has.

I'm thinkin he's rockin a chub in that first photo. I also believe that the ad was photoshopped cuz HELLOOOO, no normal guy's genital area looks like that in underwear unless it's padded. Currently doing some research and I'm right. And I also found this fine specimen as eye bleach.

The wheels have been falling off the nefarious right-wing operations van for a while now. The arche-manipulators and puppet masters like Rove and Cheney have pretty much pulled out or been run out of the social reactionary side of the right wing, leaving behind a cast of inept goons and two-bit villains with all the

Laughing at all the people saying it's 'OCD' to shower once a day or more. Clearly they aren't familiar with what the disorder entails. I have obsessive compulsive patients who shower every hour on the hour while cleaning their rectums with a toothbrush. THAT'S what OCD is. How often someone showers is a matter of

If you were trolling us on PURPOSE you could not be more frustrating. Lots of people have made excellent points, and NONE of it has been abusive. Disagreeing with you =/= abuse. And yes, multiple people disagree with you. Doesn't that in and of itself tell you something?

Yeah, I don't think you said anything wrong.

Part of life is admitting when you've made a mistake, apologizing, and moving on. It's really not cool to accuse someone of being insensitive or inconsiderate because of your own misunderstanding. Again, when it comes to those of us who seek protection under the law for very important reasons, it's important to a)


No one here is abusing you. Correcting your misunderstanding isn't abuse. I'm sorry you feel cornered here, but I don't think your point was clearly made, and it seems to come down to your lack of knowledge of a pretty basic term, one which you might read daily in the news.

Numerous people have clarified - you insist on remaining upset. Everyone's trying to talk you down off the ledge and you see it as attack. She clarified her language, and yet you remain wounded. You now take up the posture of a victim and act like you're being bullied when your biggest enemy is your own refusal to

I'm just struggling to understand what more considerate phrasing should be.

There is nothing inconsiderate about being referred to as a member of a protected class. Nothing at all. Nothing.

Do you get this upset when people tell you you're a member of the class Mammalia?