
This is Gawker, we have a tone. We're not hard news. We're all op/ed, all the time. It is actually what the people "pay" for (views, eyes on ads, etc). I'm sorry you don't like my tone, and you have every right not to like it, but it is what it is. Take it up with Nick.

Wemo is 100% fail. It needs to work when Offline and right now it falls on it's face when your internet goes out.

I like the idea of WeMo (and related products) but what I really want is a wifi-controllable light switch that fits into a regular multi-light-switch panel, like this:

A flat white isn't an Australian or NZ invention. It's also the least pretentious coffee you can get, it has nothing to do with microfoam. It is merely espresso with milk that isn't frothed at all, hence the FLAT white name.

"To automatically to be lumped into that category of a gang... that hits a little close to home for us, because that isn't our intent at all," Strobl said.

I have no problem with people wanting or preferring their own special kind of coffee or whatever but I am just so fucking tired of hearing about it and how it's the best and how they can't stand to drink anything but that and how if you're drinking something else you're a coffee asshole and OMG I DO NOT CARE.

Thanks, I've been waiting more than 12 years to enter a "worst kids at wedding" story contest.

Look at that gap above his sideburn...

I think that too about the fellow that plays the American (forgetting names, sorry!) in Ripper Street.

My Instagram followers can tell by the look on my face that this is very surprising.

I terminated a very wanted pregnancy at 26 weeks gestation in June. My daughter had a genetic duplication and abnormalities that would have ensured that her life was brief and painful, had she even survived the rest of pregnancy and birth. If I was not extremely privileged to have excellent health insurance and enough

Can we include stubble? I think the stubble works too... (needed an excuse to post this. Men in sweaters = a good thing).

Dornan only looks good with the facial hair.

I watched the pilot of Breaking Bad when it aired and basically thought that everything in Walter's life was terrible and humiliating. It depressed the fuck out of me, and I have never been able to go back.

Delpani said that he could "smell a black person when he entered the room,"

I actually did not like Breaking Bad*. I got through 1 season.


Tom Hiddleston would make a great everything.

So your solution is to force the people on either side of you to clamp their own legs shut, causing the same heat, sweat, and grossness for them? Because at least you got to be comfortable, you know? Because you're the only one in the world that sweats.
