
Any one else feeling their age because when he said "As Longs You Love Me" I thought Backstreet Boys.

And anyone else just not feeling this season at all?

GOP: "We are having a messaging problem with women."

if it was the pilot, the show is infinitely better than the pilot. the belchers are also like, one of the healthiest, most loving, well rounded families on tv. bob is also a huge feminist an frankly an amazing LGBTQ ally, AND has called out racism on the show, as well.

I know everyone has their right to an opinion about abortion, but for some reason male pro-lifers bother me the most. The audaciousness of a random dude judging, shaming, and telling all women what to do with their bodies and their lives is just so infuriating and creepy as hell.

How would they like an image of a dead, bloodied woman and a twisted coathanger on the floor next to that one, with the phrase, "When abortion was not safe, legal and accessible, women died. Save women's lives - protect choice."

At the time of the recall, I asked my boyfriend, a liberal black Badger Stater, why in hell people hadn't gotten rid of Scott Walker. He said it would have been bad manners — that the guy had been elected fair and square and hadn't done anything impeach-worthy, and now he deserved to finish his term, no matter how

Public employee earn less than similarly educated people in the private sector. The more education you have the more true this tends to be. They make up for it in benefits. This has been the case historically for a long time. If you pay people less you will save money in the short term, but you will get less

They don't like being violently killed because no one does.

As a voter, here are the questions I am asking myself.

No joke it's not even about the "prank"'. Or the content of the movie. it's about trust and deceit.

This was super low-life. I'm in a 22 year relationship (rough patch but working on it). I'd be PISSED, but I'd be even more sad.

Love ya, Shrayber. But to me this is almost unforgivable. :(

Then why do you treat him poorly? I don't make my husband go to rom coms in the movie theater. Why would I want to make someone I love feel revulsion at the movie and displeasure with me for 2 hours (your movie, not a Julia Roberts piece)?

Ok, I'll be THAT PERSON. I kind of feel like you're an asshole for lying to your boyfriend about seeing this. It's funny to read but I would be pissed if someone lied me into seeing something that they knew I had issues with (like parasite horror or a doc on tapeworms). I say this as a horror/gore aficionado. Some

How the fuck are you not currently single? You're kinda evil, Mark.

I honestly would applaud your boyfriend if he left you. You seem like a horrible, shitty human being.


Team Cat Headquarters here,

He who smelt it dealt it.


"A lot of our customers are graduating from fast fashion and trying to wrap their heads around how to spend $200 on a dress," says Ms. Mazur. Ms. Cerulo says part of the website's marketing job is to ease shoppers into new spending categories. "We have an audience who is growing with us," she says.