For nearly 25 years, my dad was the most widely-read syndicated medical columnist in America. He received over 2,000 letters every week from men, women, and teenagers from across the country and around the world asking for advice.
The only tourist attraction I want to visit is Jamie Dornan's anaconda. Okay, I'm leaving now.
For fuck's sake, I do not GET transphobia. Why the hell should it matter to anyone whether Laverne Cox considers herself to be a man or a woman? Who is this Hill asshole to insist that no, she's actually a man? Arcane questions of natural law aside, why does he — I'm almost 100% certain it's a he — care? He's never…
Proud tuxedo cat owner here.
Pretty much. I find women that are about to get married suddenly get a very high opinion of themselves. Like "You should be fucking lucky that I invited you to my mediocre wedding with no open bar". Ahahahaha. No thanks, I can think of 100 things better than adding to Bridezilla's ego.
6. If your [sic] only going to show up for food and alcohol and really have no interest other than that
This discourse about women being assaulted by dick pics is pretty absurd. Why are we taking serious the idea that women are shocked by seeing penises. I'm gay and I've been on Grindr and Scruff for years. You should know about your partner before you go on a date, if you're sexually compatible and frankly, what their…
Mmmm...he's looking like some hot rough trade in that video. Me likey.
It's always jarring when a twink pupates and metamorphoses into a leather stage.
…I like my post-apocalyptic dystopian future class struggle train movies to have MORE half-naked Luke Pasqualino.…
It's okay, Ruffalo: everyone wants you more, anyway. Thor is a certain kind of boring. He is Thoring.
He's also got a huge package in the bondage scene when he played Brenda's boyfriend on Six Feet Under.
How do you not remember him from Mullholland Drive?
Look, I think that there are valid criticisms of Obama, just like any politician and president in history. But I don't understand why you have to shit on an awesome moment. Gay rights are important and the fact that the US President showed complete acceptance without missing a beat is a good thing.
The Prez *is* kinda cool!
See, now I'm just going to mock you for being so incredibly ill informed.
There you go again, passive-aggressively and condescendingly imposing your 'morality' on strangers. Just because you idealize sexual 'purity' does not for one minute make it THE ideal that everyone should be following, or mean that those who go against it 'know it's less than ideal.' There are people who idealize the…
If you're expecting some sort of spiritual awakening with sex, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Sex is physical. No matter how romantic you try to be, it's always going to be two sweaty bodies rubbing against each other in the end. While sex can certainly lead to emotional upset, it doesn't lead to it…