
So, as an Actual Professional Cat Lady (not my real job title but close enough)... cats rarely just attack like that for no reason. (That's called Idiopathic Aggression, and it's rare.) Cats might become "randomly" aggressive when they're in pain; they either association you with the pain (because they can't determine

AIPAC is not even remotely analogous to CPAC. Yeah, some of the rabidly pro-Israel crowd are Republican, but they're Jewish. We Jews are not known for our homophobia or social conservatism.

Religion is a self-professed behavior. You are not born Christian, you are baptized into it. You were brought up in the religion of your parents and upon reaching adulthood, you had the choice to leave. You had the choice to continue going to church, to switch to another church of the same denomination, to convert, or

Here's the difference. Yes, you could read all sorts of comments on the internet or talk to people in person who might have called McCain "Grandpa." But, you did not hear the Senate Majority Leader make those kinds of comments (such as McConnell's "Golden Girls" remark) and, c'mon, Harry Reid's not exactly known for

I'm offended by your question.

Jesus, just shut the fuck up already you religious fuckwats.

"After hyper critical viewer looking for stupid shit to get offended over Shazad Iqbal spotted the pendant, he put up a petition onChange.org asking Youtube to remove the video."

A part of me wants her to sign it, too, only if to spark a revolution against the stupidity that is known as religion. I hope it challenges the entire foundation of religious institutions in this country, bring about major tax exemption reform, political reform, not to mention an end-all for all this cherry-picked

I really think this is the Republican playbook to a tee.

Sadly, I know what kind of response I'd get if I posted that. It'd be something like, "But I'm just trying to make other people better too!" Because the "gay lifestyle" (God I hate the words they use!) will send people to hell. They also think that people like me (straight allies) are terrible because it's part of lovi

I'd like to know also. When the whole Duck Dynasty debacle was going down, I had tons of family post stuff on Facebook about how the "radical gays" were being "intolerant" of "Christians" because somethingsomething GLAAD. I wanted so badly to say something but it's so backwards just trying to wrap my head around it is

I had a friend post something stupid and hateful once on facebook about medicaid and the "welfare queens" who are getting all the healthcare for free on her taxpayer dime while there was nothing left for her son (yeah, ok). The problem was that she had one of the facts on which her whole argument relied completely

ARRRGH. I am utterly fed up with people who use their faith as an excuse to lead a small, narrow minded, incurious life that ultimately leads to an unexamined renunciation of the very creed said person purports to revere.

Allow me to draw your attention to this informative, Oatmeal training document:

The deal with the right and the left is that they're BOTH conservative.

dumb things like walking to a house to knock on the door and ask for help after an accident? Like Reinisha McBride did? Right before she was shot in the face? What a dumbass. Also, pretty sure in CO no one did anything dumb except attend a movie. And those dumb kids in Sandy Hook (where I'm from). God if only they

There are indeed some gun nuts that would agree with this, since these incidents KEEP FUCKING HAPPENING. Not many, of course. And most of the people that are derided as gun nuts would not, obviously.

I for one accept his apology. I'm sure that he is quite sorry that there was a live mic to record what he was saying, just like I'm sure that he regrets that his misogyny was broadcast for all to hear. I have no doubt that in the future, he will choose his words more carefully to hide his latent and patent hatred of

I'm getting super tired of the ageism on Jezebel. Let's remember that, if everything works out great, we all sit on the same stair eventually. I hope I get old.