
Depressing, but true. You can come up to Nova for a celebratory vacation, if you want! My apartment's tiny but hospitable, and it comes with free dog:

Doris, when you have to ask other people for help on what to tell your kids, you are an idiot and a bad parent. When you talk to your kid about semen before he's aware of gay people and that they can play football, you're a really bad parent. Here's what you tell your kid: nothing. Bury your head in the sand like

I'm sorry, I didn't know we were arguing...I thought you were posing a rhetorical "What about the children?!?!!" question. I didn't know you actually needed parenting advice.

"I've got great news, son. Gays can play football!"

Now playing

To paraphrase Louis CK "if you don't want to talk to your shitty kid, that's your problem".

Start with this:

I give it an 8/10 trolling. Solid ignorance, mention of "what about the children???" and weird fascination with semen are always crowd-pleasers, but needs more caps lock. Would definitely reply again.

I don't. He was slowly released as soon as he was old enough to take care of himself. I like to think he's out there somewhere, climbing trees with his squirrel buddies.

RE: Probably not. The government has a duty to act rationally as an absolute minimum.

I did not know this.

What? James Blunt? James Cu——- OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

now I don't feel bad for using his name as rhyming slang anymore!

Howdy, I live in Texas and had an abortion back in November of 2012. First off, I felt and still feel that having that abortion was the best decision for myself and the fetus. I have no remorse because it was done in a humane manner for the fetus and safely/legally for myself. I remember that once it was over...I felt

Wow. Just wow. Thanks for taking exactly the route that I was criticizing. It's funny really, because the local population doesn't like the word "trans". They prefer transgendered. Apparently my local LGBT student groups are all using the wrong term, and I'll let them know that until they fall in line with what

Your post is very informative, however I'm not sure I understand your point that "it's not any trans person's job to educate anyone else". If the trans community is not going to educate the cis community, how is the cis community supposed to learn what is the correct terminology? Clearly Piers Morgan is not doing a

So, this person tries to make a post explaining how sometimes people can be ignorant without purposely trying to be an asshole, and if you explain things to them nicely they are most likely going to be happy to listen; and you go and respond like this:

Okay...I;m going to throw this out here in the spirit of complete honesty, from a loving and inclusive place. So read it first, then decide if you want to yell at me, rather than just reading the first part.


That and the use of "with regards to". The English language really is dying. I saw "in regards to" in the NY Times and knew it was over.

How was the finale terrible??? It was so in tune with what Ryan Murphy does and is all about. He's not about tying up every loose end. (I mean, what was up with the aliens in Asylum???)