
Despite two of them being voiced by men, this show has three female characters in the main family who SPEAK. That's already more than The Simpsons and any Seth MacFarlane show. Also, they're really interesting characters who aren't constantly overshadowed by the male characters each episode.

Also, in the opening credits of each episode, I'm always looking out for the name of the new store/business next door to them. It's the little things.

Bitch, I have a child with Down syndrome, too. She's awesome, and I wish more people would realize that life with this chromosomal disorder isn't a horrible thing. But every time you start spewing your verbal diarrhea about Trig's "right to life" I want to knock your teeth out!

I went into one once. Every single thing I looked at was horrendously made. It looked outrageously cheap, bad stitching, sloppy hems, just straight up wretched. And the colors were all off. Like it wasn't red like the Jezebel logo, it was red like a weird tropical Popsicle red. The kind of red that matched exactly

You know what grinds my gears? When Republicans claim to be the party of the Constitution. I feel certain that Republicans just skip through the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment (but they always get to the Free Exercise Clause!). They pay no attention to the 5th or 14th Amendment (they always ignore


— Lowest rates are in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Vermont, each with rates under 17 per 1,000.

Oh my, there's so much to say here. Well for starters, the reason there's so much anti-Kanye vibes is because he's a shallow, vapid, egotistical mess that is too impatient to wait the 10 seconds it might take for people to praise him, so he goes ahead and says it himself. I used to like some of Kanye's music, but I

You shouldn't take it so personally. While Kanye is very talented, creative and knows how to get attention and make money, he goes overboard. His confidence becomes obnoxious. His defense of his own genius transforms into putting others down. He wants respect from everyone while disrespecting others, and that just

If that is the case, then there is a cat out there that has developed the ability to manipulate technology and we are all FUCKED.

You are a web designer and you don't see the absolute destruction of white space and drop shadow and gradient vomit everywhere? This site was only ok before before the redesign. After just makes you want to cry.

Forced Purrstitution

Yes! I once went to the Humane Society for a kitten, (as I had other cats at home) and just happened to walk through the adult section where I saw a scared, thin, desperate looking creature named Boris, who was obviously on his last day. He was so ill he had to be isolated from the others for two weeks; I rode over

Just to clarify, your tomato allergy is very different from my nut allergy. If I eat anything cross-contaminated or containing nuts, I could end up dead. I know what it's like to be allergic to tomatoes because I LOVE them and have a citric acid allergy. If I eat enough of them, I will feel ill for quite awhile

I'm no Apple apologist (I switched to Android a while back, in fact), but... it's not so much that they're in constant need of repair as :

The difference, I think, is that the clerk in your county is challenging a law that hasn't just been ruled on.

No they wouldn't. I work at Best Buy's Geek Squad (a good one, where we try to fix wherever we can and only charge you when we have no other choice. I swear), and we switched over to an appointment model a few months ago. Life is SOOO much easier. No more 5 people in line. No more customer service agents fixing