
According to IMDB, Tyler Perry will be playing Alex Cross. Matthew Fox is a character named Picasso. [www.imdb.com]

Countdown to tea baggers' accusations of "activist judges" in three...two...one...

What an adorable furball. Oh, the kitten was cute too.

And Peter O'Toole and Marcia Gay Harden, no less. I've not seen it, but a quick look at the cast list makes me want to watch it just for a lark. I have to say I do love the idea of Jared Padalecki as Kinkade himself, which is simply hilarious - I wonder if Kinkade had a say in the casting?

The pinkish day-glo makeup has got to go as well.

So did I. Once was enough for me to know that I would never want to put myself through that again.

Yeah, several of us were able to catch it.

Mr. Mao agrees.

For some of us, the smaller schools are definitely the right choice. It sounds like it's working well for you, which is fantastic. I went to a small liberal arts school and thrived. The smaller classes allowed the professors to focus attention where it was needed and I feel that I got a much better education because

I had the problem with a 64 gig LTE model that I received by Fedex on March 16. Took it to the Apple Store the next day and they replaced it.

And it's smiling poop, no less. Thanks for tip on getting my iPhone to read emoji to me, because there are a few that I can't figure out.

Yeah, it's such a nonsensical statement. She makes it sound like the government is trying to force women to take contraceptives. Typical wing nut doublespeak.

I know, right? What a let down. I was hoping for Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner with those twins.

Right-wingers never have to back up such statements with facts.

I'd recommend making that appointment. They gave me a new one, no questions asked, and had me open up the box before I left the store to make sure the wifi signal was strong. The one I traded in had a weak signal, even in the Apple Store, which is blanketed with wifi.

Mine is a 64 gig with LTE and I had the wifi connectivity issue. The Apple Store swapped it for me and the one they gave me works great. First one was a lemon for sure.

Count me in for this one. I received my new iPad last Friday and noticed this problem almost right out of the box. It lost wifi connection in places in my house where my phone and iPad 2 had no issues. I took it to the Apple Store the next day and they swapped it for a new one, which works just as well as my other

The idea is that each subscriber gets an antenna and "the Aereo DVR service allocates dedicated storage for every subscriber." Here's the source I found that in: [www.multichannel.com]

Surely you don't expect a candidate for president to talk about real issues, do you? That's absurd.