It seemed as though everyone forgot about Rush's Viagra kerfuffle during the Fluke controversy. I'm really surprised it wasn't brought up more often as an example of his ludicrous hypocrisy. 29 vitamin V pills is a LOT.
It seemed as though everyone forgot about Rush's Viagra kerfuffle during the Fluke controversy. I'm really surprised it wasn't brought up more often as an example of his ludicrous hypocrisy. 29 vitamin V pills is a LOT.
Good points. He's got a very old-school view about how people want to get access to their content and it's only hurting their bottom line in the end. Plus, now that Jobs is out of the picture, he can say whatever he likes and there's no one who can dispute it.
I kinda thought maybe the human handler was trying to get piggy used to the idea of being bathed, and at his current size the sink is the most appropriate place.
Just dropped almost $200 there on new bedding after being inspired by Ellen and the way they handled the issue. Yay for JCPenney!
Current VA resident and gay fella here who can't wait to get the hell outta this backward state and take my tax dollars with me. I'm so over trying to explain that Richmond doesn't speak for all of us, but it seems that tea baggers have hijacked the state government and I no longer find it a hospitable place to live.
If you have a standard tub/shower setup, take a tip from my mom and get a spring-loaded shower rod that you can install toward the back wall of your shower, parallel to the rod with the shower curtain on it. When you're not using it to dry laundry items you can hang your damp towel on it, post-shower. Water drips…
Warby Parker has a nice collection. []
The NoVA 'burbs can come along, and maybe VA beach and Norfolk (sandy beaches for vacations and a naval base to keep out the Jesusland fucktards), but the rest of the state can just suck it.
Thank you for this! I was trying to get to the PP website to make a donation but it's blocked from my office network (our firewall thinks "Sex Education" is bad, apparently).
You are one smart monkey. Great comment.
It is already affecting the workplace. I've seen two real-life situations where younger workers expected to be promoted into managerial positions after only a short time on the job, only to be told (fortunately): Sorry, but you don't get to tell other people what to do until 1) you've proven that you can do the job…
I know, right? That in combination with the mouth breathing - check it out starting at around 2:06 in the video - just makes me want to smack him in the back of the head. My mama never would have allowed either of those! And she's sitting right there. Oy.
This is what tea baggers voted for - legislators who pay no attention whatsoever to the millions of jobless Americans, thousands (if not millions) of already-born children who go to bed hungry every night and who don't even have a decent school to go to in the morning, and so on. This is instead what they focus on.…
Genius. Thank you for sharing that. One thing that far too many so-called Christians seem to have forgotten is that Christ taught compassion and empathy for others above all. Quite frankly I think he would be ashamed that people like this call themselves Christians.
Oh man, the combination of Bradley Cooper's furry hotness and Ryan Gosling's lean smoothness,.,gsdkgf ih et35dfhi8
Are you saying BET is better or worse for the fact that it is led by a woman? I'm just curious what your take is.
We're gonna need to see Lulu's birth certificate to prove that she was born in the US. And that's she old enough to run for president. But you can just throw something together in Photoshop and print it out. The Republicans don't really seem to care about stuff like that when it's one of them.
The reaction to this sad situation clearly illustrates that there is a double-standard where athletics are concerned. When people learn that a Catholic bishop or other person in authority didn't act to stop abuse when they should have, they demand that something be done. But when it involves football? Look at the…
If she ever bothered to read a freakin' newspaper, she'd learn that corporations based here in the good ol' US of A pay more taxes to foreign governments than they do here at home. Wait, I'm assuming she can read. Never mind.
Dr. Roy Adler who was at Pepperdine studied it for years. See a write up called, "Profit, Thy Name Is … Woman?" subtitled, "The consistent correlation between women executives and high profitability" here: []