
In the gay vernacular, at least in this situation, "sauna" = "bathhouse," so sex is pretty much expected. Therefore the protocol for getting men to rise to the occasion is that they'll get to enter what is basically a sex club for free, and if they have a big dick they will likely not lack for sexual partners.

"Tit section" slays me. At first I thought you were asking if there was a nursing area in the men's room. Tiny urinals would just be hilarious to see.

I think you're right on, and it makes me wonder why even female Republicans get on board with this shit, like it's OK for the males to keep them down. What's up with that?

Whom will buy, the dead flamingo? Whom, I ask you?

It can't be accurate, because since it's French, when they say "football" they mean "soccer," and any red-blooded American male will tell you that anybody who likes soccer just has to be gay.

Kardouchiennes - fabulous. I'm going to use this when I refer to that klusterf**k of a "family," if that's ok with you.

Hilarious, nicely done :)

This is what they focus on while Bachmann is running around spreading lies about HPV vaccines and "Obamacare" distributing "abortion pills" to everyone? This is why the country is falling apart. When faced with real issues, the far-right nutjobs like to distract everyone by tossing out more of this family values crap.

Give the stool a sensuous rub next time you're there.

I like Ikea but I am totally with you on the infantilizing bit. There are enough spoiled brats running around the world masquerading as adults as it is, we don't need to encourage the behavior.

Yeah, I hear you. He's not one I would include on my list of senators with more sense, that's for sure. Unfortunately many of them are gone now. There are a few voices of reason, but he ain't one!

Comment was based on this sentence: "It implied that Senator Batshit has not only read the constitution, but also that she understands it." When I saw the word Batshit and "she" I immediately thought of Bachmann. The "guy" in the OP, I assumed, was Robert George. I apologize if I misread the initial comment, but that

Has anyone ever heard her say how she'd go about making gas cost $2/gallon? The Federal tax is only 18.4 cents per gallon, so even if you cut that, it still wouldn't be down to $2. Those are taxes that are supposed to pay for roads and keeping up our rapidly-aging infrastructure, so no go on that.

Nick Jonas is 18? Does Richard Lawson know about this??

Just FYI - She is not a senator, she's a representative. Senators (sometimes) have more sense.

Eli Roth is an embarrassment to men everywhere in that ill-fitting tux. The women go all out at these events and he couldn't even bother to put on a decent suit?

I can't wait to bring this up with my 76-year old Republican mother who has been living in sin in Florida for about 10 years with her man friend. Hee hee :)

Your son sounds like he really had his stuff together at an early age. Kudos to you for being a cool mom, too.

Maybe they should just do each other.

All the things that make us laugh and cry!