He has sex a lot but I don't think it's correctly representing the character and the show to say that he rapes girls all the time.
He has sex a lot but I don't think it's correctly representing the character and the show to say that he rapes girls all the time.
Exactly. Absolutely ridiculous timing. Makes me wonder if a tea bagger planted this idea in their heads just to fuck with 'em.
While those of us who are more tech savvy might hate PDF menus, I would imagine that they are inherently simpler for restaurants to update and upload themselves, versus having to login to the admin portion of a website and post it. Sometimes menus change with such frequency that I can see a staff person at the…
That's called "edging."
Ditto. It was a superb job.
If you have claustrophobia, you were right not to go. I went twice and it was jam packed both times. That said it was a pretty amazing display, I must say.
When my cat was a kitten his favorite toy was a ball of wadded up newspaper he could bat around the floor. Cheap and easy to replace. Some cats don't respond to cat nip, and mine doesn't. He does, however, love that grass you can grow from seed. It's supposed to help their digestion.
This stuff is good too, no rinse required: [www.eucalan.com]
Silk is extremely strong and more resilient than people realize. Where you might run into a problem is with the dye running. If it's a solid color and you wash it by itself, silk can definitely handle a hand wash.
That pic of Oprah looks like she and Ugly Betty stepped into a malfunctioning transporter together and got melded into one being.
Does PayPal even process transactions that large?
Great post - just one little edit: she's not a Senator, she's a Representative. I don't know if that affects your calculations or not, just wanted to point it out in case there's a difference. She's a fucktard no matter what job she holds.
Agreed. Geraldine Ferraro didn't get to play the "I'm running for office, not my husband" card back in the '80s, so there's no reason why Crazy Eyes should be allowed to get away with it today.
Could someone please point out to me where in the Old Testament it calls for homosexuals to be executed? Fucktards like this love to spout hate using non-existent verses, and I would very much appreciate it if someone would please find this particular passage for me.
Edward's a pillow biter? Funny, I always had him pegged as a top.
There are strong ties between the Polynesians and the Mormons, thanks to missionary work and scholarship opportunities for the young people. I learned this at the Polynesian Cultural Center in Hawaii.
She might, but I think she might be tempted not to by the fact that there is much more money to be made if she's not president. The job doesn't pay very much, especially when compared to the possibilities of lucrative speaking engagements and book deals.
The funniest thing is how tiny the white square is. Cowboy ain't packin' much heat!