OMG. I'm speechless. What a handsome man! Thanks for the link.
OMG. I'm speechless. What a handsome man! Thanks for the link.
I started to write a really angry comment here (the phrase "crazy-eyed cunt bag" sprang to mind), but instead I actually find myself feeling really, really sad, that in this day and age, people in this country will support someone with views such as hers. I was raised to think that it's good to be smart, to learn…
Agreed. Saks is my fave. It's a civilized experience. While you're shopping you can pop into the cafe for a smoothie or glass of wine. People go nuts in Bloomingdales for that 40 Carrots restaurant but it always smells like vomit to me. Must be all that frozen yogurt.
My chubby boy cat does that. He leans back against the fridge, spreads his back legs, leans over and goes to town. I swear he could do kitty porn.
You deserve a medal. Excellent research - thank you!
I believe Advil (which is ibuprofen) is also not advised after alcohol, just like Tylenol (acetaminophen).
I was lucky enough to encounter Giada and her hubby at a restaurant in NYC (French, not Italian), and she couldn't have been lovelier. Gracious and polite to the staff, smiling the whole time, and absolutely beautiful.
When I occasionally encounter someone who thinks Sarah might actually make a good president, I remind them about how Obama and his team were working on the Osama project, behind the scenes under a veil of complete secrecy, while simultaneously dealing with Republican BS in Congress, among other things. Then I ask them…
Damn right he is. He does clean up nicely.
"Makeup and stickers and ponies and!"
As a current member of the House of Representatives, she can't vote to increase the debt ceiling if her ass is out on the campaign trail and not physically in DC to actually submit a yay or nay vote.
Does she know she made a pun when she said, "a bus is driving news stories today"? Does she know what a pun is? Is that a gotcha question?
Yeah, the claim that she fought the Obama administration's plan struck me as a bit of a stretch. He was elected in November 2008, took office in January 2009 and she resigned in July 2009. I suppose she assumes none of her followers will bother to check dates or facts.
I'd say it's overpriced. $725.97 is $725.96 too much to pay for that load of manure.
So, the word "code" in this instance ("she speaks our code") is actually code for "brand of nonsensical gibberish"?
Screw the haters. Dude is hot as hell. Flaunt if ya got it!
A most excellent Britcom reference for the win!
To piggyback on loud talkers - loud laughers. This drunken jizz receptacle seated in front of me the other night was cursing up a storm because the plane had no liquor on it - mind you, it was a 45 minute flight, Dulles to JFK (hello, can you not wait that long for your next tequila shot, sweetheart?).