Gender-specific product typing is a strange phenomenon and most tech companies just don't understand what they're doing. Others have tried this silliness - remember Dell with the pink laptops and a special website called "Della"?
Gender-specific product typing is a strange phenomenon and most tech companies just don't understand what they're doing. Others have tried this silliness - remember Dell with the pink laptops and a special website called "Della"?
Me too, but I'm a dude, does that mean I can't buy it?
I was struggling with what to post as a new thread, but I don't have to because you expressed exactly what I would have written. Thank you!
I'd marry the hot ginger lad in the pic.
I <3 you. Wish kids these days had more teachers like you.
Jean Valjean went to jail for stealing a baguette. Why shouldn't this guy?
Is that like a reverse queef?
Vomit and despair.
I thought the question about Cohen forseeing the meltdown and her dismissive response was especially telling. It's essentially like asking a psychic why they didn't know in advance that something bad was going to happen. The answer, of course, is that they're not really psychic.
You want rude? Get in a car and attempt to drive anywhere during rush hour - morning and/or evening - in the Northern Virginia suburbs of DC. I can guarantee you'll see more examples of rude, "me first" behavior than you can possibly comprehend. Don't forget my personal favorite, "Young Hercules." He's matured into a very fine (and fine-looking) actor.
@cottoncandy_sweetandlow: it's the eyebrows, isn't it? yikes, LiLo!
So, let me understand - it seems that she is saying that God only cares what happens in America, because other countries have allowed gays to serve openly in the military for years. Apparently that escaped His notice.
@WhiteMan'sBourbon: Don't even get me started - a woman with a young daughter opened up a can of Pringles in the middle of "Wicked" one night. Both proceeded to munch loudly as though they were at home on the couch. The actors could probably hear them as they were sitting in the 4th row. Patti LuPone certainly…
@RoboticSpacePenguin: Also SACD, right? (w/Philips)
@CommodorePerry: At least they didn't refer to it as an "ATM machine."
A commenter on another site called her "the Kate Gosselin of politics."
The puppets are characters from the Tony-award winning musical,"Avenue Q," not Muppets.