
I do that occasionally for all of 2 minutes then I'm like get off I feel uncomfy. But with my boyfriend, they're not so much soft pillows as hard and hairy flat pillows

We occasionally do the foot thing, but then I'm always trying to line them up and of course it doesn't work and I get pissed.

I do the pervert in my sleep apparently. But from behind. My hand is always searching for what we call his giblets, apparently. Once he woke me up and asked why I didn't go from the front and I had no idea what the fuck he was talking about it.

Also, one of my fave comics has this:

I enjoy what I call the OreoCat. Me on one side, him on the other, double stuff tuxedo cats in between that will never let us touch.

They have enclaves worldwide. I'll never forget being in Belize and asking a kid where to get good veggies. He hopped into my little golf cart and took me to see Mennonites. In the tropics, with full Mennonite clothes. In the tropics. It was interesting. I thought they'd be Belizean converts, but apparently they're

Did they seriously use your first name? Not even Ms. Stewart. Fuck. Did they sign off with "Best" or something?


I'm really glad she's sharing this. I think some white Americans don't see her as "other" as they do other minorities and feel like the rest of are making shit up. See! Even fucking Oprah one of the richest, well connected women in the world has to deal with this shit. Money and influence don't always protect from

Silly vagina haver! Abortions are NEVER needed. That's just slut talk! REAL American women just put an aspirin between their knees and only fuck up the ass before getting married.

Wow. I wonder how she became a stand-up. Was it her choice? Because that seems especially dangerous. I'm surprised they released her from her punishment the first time. Hopefully her luck holds.

I actually have less respect for people like her. You work for a company that regularly has people on to hate on women, minorities, gay people, science, kids, the northeast and west coast. Great that you have generous maternity leave (that your own commenters don't see the need for), and they make you look great next

Her face still looks photoshopped though. And what the fuck did they do to Jennifer Aniston? It looks like she's 5 months pregnant

She really looks like the superimposed image of her folks. Wow. She's so pretty


Oddly enough, most schools don't even allow Dodgeball to be played. Apparently, that's violent, but this is okay.

It's a SCHOOL camp? Seriously?

Who exactly was the target audience for Lone Ranger? People who watched it back in the day? Children who like cowboy movies? Adults who like cultural appropriation? I'm quite shocked it did as well as it did.

When stuff like this happens, I understand why Dave Chappelle quit his show. A lot of people don't get satire and think it's anything that offends others but that they don't really mean.