
November 7, 1980 was just three days after the presidential election.

Hold the fuck up. Steven Mnuchin’s new shiksa wife is the angel-haired Zambian war lady??? Why didn’t I know that?

Great video! More people realize what actually happens the. More I hope people could have factual arguments. One issue, why was there no visual representation of the fetus after the pill abortion?

It must’ve been brutal when those armed men barged into your home/office/mother’s basement and forced you to click on this link.

“in certain organizations and certain jobs you give up that right of your freedom of speech temporary [sic] while you serve that job”

Now playing

Eh, he has said/done some pretty sexist stuff in the past. Off the top of my head (I’m from MA, so) I remember him making some sexist comments about Elizabeth Warren regarding her not being qualified to be a professor at Harvard and that he was happy she didn’t “take off her clothes” to pay for college, intimating she

Are we being fucking serious right now? The “man” in No Man’s Sky is there because that’s how we’ve always referred to the entire human race. “MANkind.” “huMAN.” Hell, even “woMAN.” “Man” in the name for something doesn’t always mean a “woMAN” is being left out. For fuck’s sake...come down off the cross, use the wood

This argument celebrities make is so tiresome. They willingly give us photos and details of their life when it suits them, and when it doesn’t they complain. And gossip is human nature. Always was, always will be.

I find it weird that everyone just parrots the line that Ivanka Trump is a “successful businesswoman”, as this article does. And the proof of that is... she has a job her father gave her, merited by being born, in his business, whose successfulness is.. debatable, at best. Also, her title is some bs “VP of

I mean just ten minutes ago (from the time of my writing) you posted a article that Ciara and Russell Wilson are now have sex. Who the hell are you with this “black man was murdered” business?

Also, an article of yours just ran with the title “I Now Pronounce These Two Allowed to Fuck” about Ciara and her fiancé...right after an article about a Black man dying in the street.

I understand the thin blue line. I understand that cops think, “That coulda been me. Mistake made. Gotta support my brother.” But I’m a public school teacher. If I found out that a teacher was fucking a student, there’d be no way that my knee-jerk response would be, “Well...you have to understand that...” Give me a

I hate to break it to you, but child predators don’t actually care about the law. If they did, they wouldn’t prey on children.

Imagine shitting in the stall next to him. He’d stick his hand under the divider and ask to borrow some toilet paper, then use the whole goddamn roll inefficiently, then say “sorry, tough luck.”

This is a former governor and Fox television host. He’s not making some crazy rant on the internet. He is the Republican party. He is not a moron. He is a cruel, calculating man in a position of power.

I once met a woman who had a baby at age 10. She was 27, and had a 17-year-old. She loved her son, but she hated that she’d lost a great deal of her childhood, and she couldn’t get pregnant again and had a host of health problems from giving birth so many years before her body was ready. It was tragic and awful.

One is the child; the other is that birth mother who often will go through extraordinary guilt years later when she begins to think through what happened — with the baby, with her.

OMG, the shower gift IS a wedding gift. The point of showers is so that people can buy gifts off the registry and not have to tote them to the wedding. Do people not realize that anymore???!!!

You should have shamed the shit out of her and replied, “I already bought you this, this, AND this. That’s 3 gifts by my count,

And all y’all bitches said vaccines weren’t dangerous. WHO’S LAUGHING NOW?!