
How do you not give it to Stephen Fry? :-)

Let’s hope he goes the way of Lee Atwater, bloating up with disease and disowned by his former masters.

Him? No. Young Tim Kaine? Ayuuuup.

Would you have sex with Tim Kaine’s son?

I had a discussion with a white friend of mine about how minorities inherently have it tougher in the country. One of the things he mentioned was that black people shouldn’t sell and do drugs if they want to get ahead. I had to remind him that he sells drugs and we were both smoking while having the conversation.

The socioeconomic issue masquerades as a “chicken-or-the-egg” situation, when it’s really rather clear when you look at the history of different ethnicities within the US.

If it was truly a socio-economic issue, then you would find a comparable level of socioeconomic success between black people and later immigrants,

I think he meant all the clueless commenters that can’t be bothered to google/read up before posting.. just a guess.

I will (shamefully) admit I used to be the type who was like, “we have a socioeconomic imbalance in this country masquerading as a race issue” but like you, Trayvon Martin forced me to confront that no, actually we have a humungous problem with racism. And it wasn’t just the news coverage - it was people I considered

His story hit me the hardest watching the 13th. His life was stolen from him and from his mother. Even if he did steal the backpack (which he didn’t), how can anyone say that crime justifies three years in solitary confinement?  

It was Trayvon Martin who really forced me to confront race in America. I remember seeing how his character was assassinated by Fox News and other right wing outlets and thinking, “he was seventeen. He’s a menace to society because he smoked pot and got into a fight? In that case I was Al fucking Capone.”

Blame the shitty haircut for the dated reference.

Why do some white people respond to these essays with :

Watch Paris is Burning on Netflix! It explains it all and is an all time great doc, despite it’s issues of privilege and outsider director that were mentioned above.

As far as I know, when ballroom was beginning, the events were called “balls” to give them an ironic touch of regalness and pageantry. And the name stuck. They would also often be held in rented ballrooms in order to have a large enough space.

I think Gawker sites are now required to force “Woke” into a headline at least 3X per week.

It’s time for the side mullet hair cut to die in a fire.

They would just have to settle for being intelligent, rich, and well-connected.

Twins? Then Amal wasn’t the only thing they did, amirite???

Oh, but I’d pay hard cash to hear Prince Phillip’s bon mots when meeting Trump. “Good Lord, man, I’ve hunted and discarded better looking stoats than the one on your head.” Or “That’s YOUR golf course? Oh dear. Well, there’s always a chance of some Irishman or some demmed Punjab blowing it up. Might earn the fellow a

Trump is the living embodiment of “ The Americans “ episode of ”Fawlty Towers “ writ large. We, the American people are , ironically, Manuel. Trump keeps screaming for his goddamn Waldorf Salad that nobody, much like Basil Fawlty knows how to make.