I didn’t say you couldn’t. You, the player, can choose to shoot him. You can order someone to shoot him. Or you can try to talk him down.
I didn’t say you couldn’t. You, the player, can choose to shoot him. You can order someone to shoot him. Or you can try to talk him down.
“starting to be slightly less racist” isn’t really a glowing endorsement. She’s still the person who happily shoots Wrex on Virmire without a second thought when legitimately no one else in that situation, yourself included, thought it was necessary.
I.... VERY disagree about Jacob. I actually think a lot of his story is a direct repudiation about stereotypes about black men?
I’ve legitimately never seen Ashley in ME2/3, in all my play throughs, because in a choice between boring and racist, I choose boring. I know she allegedly learns and grows by ME3, but Shepard doesn’t know that when making that choice.
Yeah it doesn’t sound anything like him.
Plus Ashley is a space racist and her name is already Ash
“There’s not a flawed dude with real problems, who has made real non-perfect human decisions,”
He wasn’t. Keythe Farley voiced Thane. Adam Baldwin voiced Kal’Reegar.
It’s good to see Kaiden Alenko finally getting the recognition he deserves. The man is so much better than Space Racist Ashley.
I suppose they’ll be milking this story for years, but it appears that this version isn’t offering anything new. The Dreyfuss & Danner version was quite good.
Steve Bannon is registered to vote in two states. So is Tiffany Trump. By the letter of the law that is voter fraud. Do you think this is the sort of thing he’s looking for?
They did find an instance of voter fraud during the election.
Ah, another person who doesn’t hate DA2. Hello.
I personally enjoyed the side missions. I really did. And I was happy to see that once I left EOS and came back later there was bunch more of them awaiting for me. That’s the kind of side stuff I like!
I honestly felt Andromeda was like ME1 (in a good way). There was so much to set up that certain things fell through but there was a lot of potential moving forward. I was hoping for a Andromeda 2 set five years down the road or whatever but this is disheartening. It was a good game and deserves better than to just be…
i’m only here for rihanna.
Regarding Giselle... How the fuck do you stay married to someone who supports Trump? I almost broke up my with my boyfriend when we were having a “devil’s advocate” argument about him. Like, where is the respect? I can’t even fucking imagine. (I know, they are rich and beautiful, and have kids... Ugh) Don’t get it.
Every fucking time I hear “Brothers and Sisters,” I want to put my fist through a wall. Fuck Paul, he was a dick.
Why is there such a cottage industry around “the Kardashians as feminist” think pieces? It’s weird, and gross, and patently untrue.
Once, I walked into my then-boyfriend’s house with a loose shawl around my shoulders. His mother commented that I looked like the عذراء — the Virgin Mary. And I whispered (genuinely confused): is that a compliment?