
News flash: Angry white man angry that they ran out of vanilla.

Excellent! Here’s another of my tops:

I laughed and then cried because this is our new reality

You’re entitled to that opinion and that opinion is wrong.

Perhaps this is me grasping at straws, but I wonder if part of the inevitability of autocracy and failure of resistence in Gessen’s experience is at all related to the fact that Russians had already lived under an oppressive government for generations before Putin came along.

In my more Pollyanna moments, I hope that

[H]e considers himself a friend of the president-elect...

Audiobooks are also good in situations where you can’t reead a regular book. I like listening to them on the bus.

I heard he’s a big old bottom and that he has a pee fetish. Just sayin.

The gays will have to save the day again. I’m going to rent boy my way into Peter Thiel’s heart and then...................

Yep. Naming and renaming legislation for PR purposes is the oldest trick in the book. The factual name is what journalists should use, not the propagandized name the opposition uses.

I live in the American Gardens Building on W. 81st Street on the 11th floor. My name is Patrick Bateman. I’m 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I’ll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do

The Trump presidency is so depressing/unbelievable/terrifying with all these conflicts and it hasn’t even started yet.

The first time I saw him, I did think that he had the worst case of gay face that I had ever seen. His face is so god damn smooth. Too smooth for a straight man. No straight man takes care of their face THAT well. It’s suspicious to me.

I recently heard a rumor from a college classmate of Kushner’s that he had (or is still having—it was unclear) a lengthy affair with his male hairdresser. No clue if there’s a shred of truth to it—and since nothing good ever happens, I wouldn’t bet on it—but a boy can dream...

“ On your majesty’s secret service “ or nothing.

I’m British. I have no idea who these people are either, but then I avoid the Daily Mail (especially the website’s “sidebar of shame”) as much as I possibly can.

Bullshit. If Jama was a white women speaking French you wouldn’t give a shit. If she was a white women speaking Swahili you still probably wouldn’t have given a shit.

If he does it for the next four years, GIVE HIM ALL THE MONEY.